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Li Mingze looked curiously at the hunting team. Gino whispered "they are the hunting team of our Tribe responsible for hunting meats. We also have a protection team responsible for protection for young orcs and weak sub beast."

Li Mingze narrowed his eyes "who told you that sub beast are weak?"

Gino was a little surprised. She wanted to ask the meaning of Li Mingze's word but was interrupted by their leader.

"What happened?"

The captain of the hunting team zaro kneeled down "Leader..... Fion is injured."

The leader is shocked. Fion is the only brother of the leader. He was born prematurely as their mother died during giving birth to the cub because of the evil spirits. He was a little weak by birth but still worked hard to be one of the strongest orc of the Tribe.

Their father, the former leader couldn't accept their mother's death and passed away. The orcs would give birth after many difficulties. So the leader was 16 years older than Fion. He literally raised Fion as his son.

It also a reason that he never married a sub beast.

"Where is he?"

Zaro murmured "He is outside the boundary of the Tribe."

Luna smiled happily. She have always hated that bastard. Now she can marry the leader without the thorn between them. Then she pretended to be hurt. "According to the Tribe rules, a injured person have to be outside the Tribe unless the Tribe is attacked by the evil spirits. The leader would not break the rules because of their siblings. Right?"

The leader was going to say to take him in but now the words are stucked. He closed his eyes helplessly and changed into a cheetah and ran inside the Tribe. After a while, he came out with the priest sitting on his back and ran out of the Tribe.

Luna's eyes were bloodshot. In the Tribe rules, only the mate can sit on the back of their orc except some other possibilities such as injured orcs, priest.

Li mingze felt uneasy the he closed his eyes. He heard gasps all around him. He opened his eyes and saw his fluffy paw which is white as snow. But he didn't even have time to see his beast form and rushed behind the leader. Zaro was amazed but now is not the time to be bewitched by the beauty. He also shifted into a wolf and ran behind him.

Fero whispered "He is so beautiful..."

Gino tapped on his forhead and shook his head. But Fero already had an crush on Li Mingze.

Ginny had tears in her eyes. She was supposed to be Fion's mate. That's why she also had grudges with Luna. Now when Luna stopped the leader. She wanted to tear Luna apart. But it's not good for a weak sub beast like her before the mating ceremony to be close with an orc. So she couldn't rush to Fion.

Ginny gritted her teeth with bloodshot eyes. "Someone thought she is the most beautiful sub beast in the forest. But now a more beautiful sub beast have appeared. And it's also a snow fox, rarer and nobler than her red fox clan."

Luna glared at her but she could hear every sub beast whispering and laughing seeing her fake arrogance.



I wouldn't have written anymore because of my busy life. I am in my 3rd year now. It's getting too busy to manage home, study and shop. I get tired by the end of the day.

But I will write at any time I get for you guys.

Take care of yourself~

Xoxo. ❤


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