Arc 2 - Extra

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Li Mingze was sitting in front of the laptop as a young woman opened the office door. "Brother"

Li Mingze looked up and took off his glasses "what happened to my princess?"

Shi Yihan sat in front of him "let me tell you this. This bitch really thinks that she can marry you through me and make you ditch my brother in law."

Li Mingze raised his eyebrow "which one is this now?"

Shi Yihan knew that only the topic include Mu YiChen can interest her big brother. "The new receptionist who almost bumped into you this morning. She was like so sorry and was apologizing to me continuously after you left. It didn't take much time to see through her as she was looking down shyly time to time. It's pity that I can't shot bullets without reasons now."

Li Mingze rubbed his temple "what about the arm dealing with the military?"

Shi Yihan could understand that Li Mingze is changing the topic but she followed it because she have already dropped another bomb somewhere else. "It's all done. You can meet them and sign the contract."

Li Mingze's lips curved up a little as his phone beeped with a special notification. He opened it and asked casually "and what about major general Tang? Do you want me to talk with Mother about it"

Shi Yihan pouted "brother it's not like that I am hiding but you have to tease me."

Li Mingze put down the phone "okay don't act spoiled now. Big brother is going on a date now. Don't be a little light bulb"

He was a little busy this few months   because of the sudden war in borders. He have to ready for backup  with arms and people to fight any time in any situation but now the war is over and they were signing another contract.

Shi Yihan winked knowingly "ofcourse brother, I'll just take care of brother Yuze."

Li Mingze came out of his office with the chatterbox behind him. He looked at the crying receptionist and his expressionless legal husband as soon as he came out of the elevator. A gentle voice called out "big brother"
Li Mingze's eyes fell on Shi Yuze who is as gentle as water and nodded. Don't look at Shi yuze's gentle look. He is just ruthless under that mask learned by his brother in law. "What happened here?"

Mu Yichen's eyes flashed an emotion but he didn't say anything just looked up at him while the receptionist looker at him with teary eyes "Chairman's...."

She looked at Mu YiChen timidly as if she is afraid of something "it's nothing.....I just bumped into Mr Mu "

Li Mingze's eyes were cold "oh....a bump can make you all teary and embrassing?"

She looked down pitifully. Li Mingze looked at Shi Yihan "Give her termination letter right away. She is bumping into people too much"

Shi Yihan nodded knowingly and signalled her brother Yuze who also nodded from sidelines indicating that everything is done.

The little pitiful receptionist was taken aback. She looked at Li Mingze with surprise as she was helped on her foot by another receptionist "Chairman...."

Li Mingze smiled and leaned to her so only she can hear his words. "Actually I didn't want to play with you but you shouldn't have targeted Ah Chen......because.....He is my king ....and me.....I am not only his other half but his knight."

Her face was full of disbelief as she saw Li Mingze spreading his hand to Mu YiChen "shall we?"

Mu Yichen's eyes were on Li Mingze every moment. He took his hand in his own "sure"



Shi Yihan and Shi Yize high fived as they looked at the leaving car of the  couple. "This is all we can do for yoh"

Only when Li Mingze get back to their home then he realized that his siblings have planned him a big surprise.

The room was decorated with flowers and candles. Especially the bed was full of rose petals and maybe the candles were mixed with aphrodisiac. He started to feel a little hot all over.

He looked at the smirking Mu YiChen who asked him the same thing as he asked earlier "shall we?"

But before he could answer him back, he fell on bed and got pressed by Mu YiChen who is like a hungry wolf.

Li Mingze grabbed the bed sheets under him as his toes curled up with sensation. "Ah Chen"

Mu YiChen looked up "Hmm?" as Li Mingze looked at his chest full of marks. He looked away with embrassement but his chin got hooked as his lips were ravaged again. "Look at me babe"

Li Mingze felt that he is going to melt under Mu Yichen's gaze full of desire "....en"


dont disturb them now. Actually my hand is full of cuts because of the work I have to do in my shop  as the staff quited. and I was a little too busy with my shop and home. I still can't say when I'll be free.

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