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Okay you got pranked.

This is not new chapter.

I just want to inform you that I am done with my two honors papers of physics today and I have my language paper on 22nd, chemistry on 28th and maths on 30th June.

I was having a headache last few days but I am a little relaxed now.

And let's play a game, you guess the next arc before a arcs finish and I'll answer a question for them who guessed right except my real name and full address ofcourse. Let's maintain a little secrecy...hehe~

Okay just kidding....let's enjoy the chapter but I'll not be updating daily until 30th June.


Li Mingze opened the door of the Vip ward and saw Elias taking with a middle aged doctor. They looked at him as he entered. "How are they?"

Elias looked at the report "not good but fortunately not very bad. They are given a excessive dose of sleeping pills. Luckily, it's not life threatening but they would have slept a long time before waking up. We have washed their stomach, they will be alright after a rest."

He gave the file to the doctor as another kid was pushed in the room. The room was for two patients. The doctor whispered "Master is still angry with you second young master. you are a genius in medical field. You should come back"

Elias smiled. "I will...but not now. I have my whole life for this hospital. Before that let me live for myself. Father and eldest sister are still doing good"

Li Mingze patted on his back. Elias still maintained his smile "Vincent have gone to inform his uncle about the kids. They are checking if this kids are in the missing list"

Ian also came in "those guys in my camp doesn't know about this. We have to ask my brother about this. He have gotten the underworld in control now. Dad have stepped down"

Ian looked at onyx who was silent but staring at Li Mingze. "Onyx....this....you should talk with my brother"

But onyx didn't look at him. He asked Li Mingze "Ace.....we all know about each other except you.....who are you? Care to explain about your identity....why is blueberry your family property. Do you know how dangerous that place is?"

Li Mingze wanted to speak but his phone rang. He took the call "Father...."

Everyone in the room heart loud and clear as the voice spoke "Axton, the whole blueberry have to change. Your brother and sister are already busy taking care of your duties. So you have to take over Blueberry..no....I don't want to hear any response other than yes...otherwise you are coming back. You know it's not impossible to make you comeback for me."

Li Mingze parted his lips "ye.."

But the phone was snatched away from him. Onyx glared at him "he is not going back anywhere. If you are so need of  a manager than I'll send a to manager Blueberry"
Axton's father was very displeased "who are you? Give the phone to Axton. The heir of family have to shoulder his duties and this time it's his duties."

Li Mingze took the phone " I understand dad......I am taking over the business here for now  and I'll be back soon so send someone to take care of blueberry."

The voice calmed down "I see. Come before your mother's birthday. She has been missing you. "

Li Mingze didn't dare to meet Onyx's eyes who was ready to pounce on him "yes"

He looked at them "let's go back....I'll tell you"

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