Arc 11 : 11.1 : LingXin Tribe

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"God helped us that the winter is over soon otherwise maybe we would have died"

"Yes Gino. It's good that winter is over. My mother almost surrendered to the evil spirits and died...wait is that a a sub beast. Is it dying"

Gino stopped her friend Fero "Don't. What if he is an evil spirit?"

Fero shook his head "we still have to see. What if we could save him?"

Li Mingze's eyelashes trembled. He felt the pain in his back. Maybe someone stabbed him in back. He doesn't have any memory or plot about this world. He listened to the voice and trembled. What if it's enemy. He is not in condition to fight back.

A rough hand touched his forhead. "A little hot. Let's take him to the Priest."

Li Mingze felt his consciousness blured. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a old man in front of him.


The old man was sleepy. He opened his eyes slowly. "oh ....little.... beast are.... awake."

Li Mingze was speechless. What's with this talking pattern.
He wanted to sit up but the old man stopped him slowly. "You....are....hurt.....dont.....hurry."

A girl rushed in. "Forgive me Priest. But he may hurt himself before you explain."

The old man frowned "I.. know....but....aren't being.....disrespect...ful....Gino"

Gino laughed. "But you still loves us."

The old man shook his head helplessly.

Gino stopped him "Lie down otherwise even the priest can't stop the evil spirits to enter you wound."

Li Mingze frowned "..evil spirits?"

Gino said sadly "yes. My father was killed by the evil spirits. But Don't worry the priest is here now"

The Priest coughed ""

Gino chuckled and looked at Li Mingze. "I'll be back with your dinner....oh I forgot what's your name?"

Li Mingze murmured "Ming Ze"

Gino nodded and ran off out of the.....cave whose mouth was closed with a dirty animal skin giving off a stench.

Li Mingze whispered "03?"


03 : Host

Li Mingze rubbed his head but he felt a little pain in his arms. The body is really not in good state. "What about the memories?"

03 sighed "you won't get one. But I can still tell you about your position in the world."

Li Mingze sighed too. "Go on...."

Name Unknown (as the body lost its memories)
But will be known as Ming Ze as it's chosen by the host.

Ming Ze, a sub beast recused from the forest near the LingXin Tribe by two sub beast and taken to the Priest but the sub beast died soon by infection.

Li Mingze really wanted to swear at this moment. So he doesn't even know anything. What will happen once he enter the 13th world.

I am giving up on my crush.
Maybe my family realized my feelings. They are warning and teasing me time and again.

I would fight for my love and the person I love doesn't love me. And I am not someone who will force someone to love me.

So It's better to move on. But it really hurts as I miss him and the memories we made together.
I don't know what fate has decided for me but I will wait and see my destination.

Take care of yourself....
Xoxo.... ♥


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