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Li Mingze was given anesthesia before the surgery. When he woke up the surgery was already over. He didn't see the surgeon as the deal and he could care less about it. It's been few months he have come here but he didn't even know where Mu YiChen is? He looked at the mission panel which was as silent as his life here.

When Chu Yao came back with the kids, Li Mingze's face was wrapped in bandages. "....Master?"

He looked at Xu Yang and Tang Xin who were standing quietly. They were also quite surprised at first.  Li Mingze looked at the kids who were staring at him. Don't look at their age, they can kill without blinking. Everyone born in their family is extremely ruthless. "Yuze..Yihan"

They ran up to him "big brother" Shi Yuze and Shi Yihan were 12 and 10 years old. Even if they grew up in a Mafia family and trained to protect themselves with being hidden by the Shi family, their heart was of a child. They cried in their brother arms.

Li Mingze wiped their tears "it's okay. Brother is here"

They hugged Li Mingze tightly as if they were afraid of being left alone. Li Mingze closed his eyes. He can remember his days in the orphanage. There are some kids that were taken care by him.

Doctor Luo came in with another doctor. "Master Li, this is one of the assistant of the surgeon. He is here to remove your bandages."

Li Mingze nodded as Chu Yao took the children away from him.

Li Mingze closed his eyes and felt a few tap of fingertips in his face as the bandage fell bit by bit. He heard a calm voice "open your eyes slowly."

Li Mingze look at the new face and was stunned. His eyes were sea green like the original host but his face have added a few more beauty points that have hid his murderous aura and revealed a scholar charm.

The assistant went on "avoid caffeine, alcohol or any other types of drugs. Take a rest for 2 months and avoid the taboos. If you have any problem after that then please contact us through Doctor Luo"

Li Mingze nodded.  He wanted to get discharged right away but he was under observation next 2 weeks because Doctor Luo was not feeling relaxed to let him go. "Master Li...."

Li Mingze was playing with Shi Yihan as Shi Yuze was solving the maths by himself. "En"
Doctor Luo sighed "your mother was my cousin.....I am also from the same Luo family as your mother"

Li Mingze didn't change any expression. "Uncle Luo"

Doctor Luo was surprised "no...no....I don't dare to. My life was saved by Cousin. Your mother have given back my life and you can take it back. For me you are my master. If there is any problem and you can't come to hospital then call me right away"

Li Mingze nodded.

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