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A knock on the door made Li Mingze frown. Jiang Yu rubbed his eyes sleepily "Dad..."

Li Mingze patted his head gently "Sleep"

Jiang Yu yawned and closed his eyes again. If not for the thunder storm last night, he would not be sleeping with Jiang Ze. But now he doesn't want to go back to his room. "...un"

Li Mingze opened the door and met a pair of familiar eyes.

"Young Master, Master and Madam are asking for you and little young master I the dining hall" the butler said with a polite smile.

Li Mingze wore his glasses that added few points to his elegant and gentle temperament. "Butler   Chen"

Butler Chen looked at him as his eyes flashed an unknown emotion. "Yes young master"

Li Mingze looked at Jiang Yu who was sleeping quite deeply and then whispered "does Young Master looks good that you were peeking at this lord sneakily"

Butler Chen was surprised as he looked down but his chin was pinched by Li Mingze who pressed him at the door "Butler Chen, didn't the University taught you to always answer your master."

Butler Chen looked at the gentle face of Li Mingze as their face was only a few centimeters from each other. Li Mingze asked again as his whole body was pasted against Ji Chen. "Does this young master looks good?"

Ji Chen licked his lips and a deep hoarse voice came out of his lips "yes'

Li Mingze smiled satisfiedly and let him leave before the tiger pounces on him. He have a guess in his mind but he still have to wait a few worlds before he could confirm it. He helped Ji Chen to smooth out his uniform and whispered as he patted his cheeks "go down and inform them that I will be down after a while and we have many things to talk about later."

Ji Chen looked at him for a while and nodded "yes young master" but he felt someone staring at them

They looked at Jiang Shu who was stunned on their behavior.

Li Mingze patted Ji Chen on his shoulder indicating that he should go down.

"Sister, what are you surprised about?"

Jiang Shu came out of her daze. She looked at Li Mingze with red eyes "Ah Ze..."

Li Mingze frowned. Maybe Jiang Shu just got reborn. Her emotions were still unstable. "Come in. Sit here"

He closed the door and dragged the chair to sit in front of her. Li Mingze asked gently "Sister, what happened?"

Jiang Shu' tears fell from her eyes "Am I really father's daughter? Why can he never see my misery? He would sacrifice me for his so called reputation without any hesitation."

Li Mingze patted his head comfortedly "don't worry Sister, he will regret it. We will make everyone regret okay"

Jiang Shu looked at Li Mingze's determined eyes and a firm believe formed in her heart 'yes they should regret it"

A childish voice came from bed "Dad, God mother.."
Li Mingze looked at the innocent 4 years old Jinag shu who is completely different from that 13 years indifferent young boy who watched his birth mother die without any hesitation and grief.

"Yes, sweetheart"

Jiang Yu opened his mouth to say something but he blushed hearing Li Mingze's words and looked down with his red ears "...Dad.....I'm hungry"

Li Mingze looked at him and Jinag Shu chuckled seeing her cute son. "Let's go, I will help you freshen up"

Li Mingze smiled gently "go with Mother,  dad will wait for you downstairs"

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