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He Yingying forced a smile on her lips "what are you doing here? honey?"

Li Mingze took the report and didn't bother to answer her. "Dad knows?"

He Yingying's eyes shrunk "he can't know"

Li Mingze's lips curved up "Then......it's impossible. Dad is already here"

He Yingying looked behind Li Mingze as a figure glared at him angrily. Who knew that when Jiang Qi came to visit Jiang Shu. He saw Li Mingze here came to ask him about Jiang Shu but he pointed to his 'lovely' wife.

His eyes were red with anger. He Yingying bit her dry worriedly "it's not what you think darling"

Li Mingze asked "then what is it? I am having siblings but you never told us and now you wanted to kill....her"

Jiang Qi walked out after saying a few words to Li Mingze without even looking at He Yingying "Ah Ze, come to home with me"

Li Mingze gave a gentle smile to his "mother" and followed Jiang qi to the manor after greeting Jiang shu.

Jiang Qi revealed his intentions. He was not interested in his daughter's injury or kidnapping but he wanted to take his son back. "Ah Ze, the young Miss of Cao family has fallen for you. She wants to get married soon. Meet with her. Cao family is a aristocrat family which is here for centuries. It's very beneficial for us to get tied with marriage specially when Young Miss Cao is their most spoiled daughter"

Li Mingze felt a cold behind his back but before he feel it clearly, the cold passed. But Jiang Qi shivered. "Go to meet her in bluemoon"
Blue moon is a private bar for the rich generation but it's not very clean.

Li Mingze licked his lips and wanted to arrange another pit for Jiang Qi.

He drove the car to blue moon. A  pretty girl was waiting for him as he entered the Cafe. She looked at him happily.

Li Mingze bowed quite gentlemanly "Young Miss Cao"

Cao Wenxin blushed "please have a seat, Young Master Jiang."

Li Mingze shook his head lightly "I didn't come to sit here, Miss Cao. I just wanted you to know that I am sorry"

The smile disappeared from her lips "what does young Master Jiang means?"

Li Mingze asked directly "doesn't  Miss Cao knows I have a son"
Miss Cao gritted her teeth. Yes it's really the thorn in her path but she maintained her gentle persona " I will love him as my own"

Li Mingze shook his head "you are misunderstanding me, Miss Cao. I am not marrying you not because of Ah yu, my son but because I am not interested in girls"

Miss Cao's lips twitched " Jiang Ze, are you kidding me?"

Li Mingze shook his head "No. My son was surrogated because I am not interested into any girls. I have a love so it's not appropriate for us"

Miss Cao grabbed his palm and held it softly in her cheeks "you can't fool me with this. I can change if you want. Or maybe if never met a girl suitable for you"

Li Mingze took his hand away forcefully "you are climbing up the wrong tree, Miss. This tree is bend."

He heard Miss Cao say "I'll not let you go so easily"

Li Mingze turned around and left saying "you can try"

He drove back to his apartment. As soon as he entered, a force pulled him into bedroom. His hands got tied with something with the bed before he could react. He heard a whisper

'I am very sad, Ah Ze'

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