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Li Mingze was completely calm even after knowing that 'Jian Yiling' is going to kill him. As for how it doesn't matter. Mu Yichen frowned when he saw Jian Yiling sitting in the car beside his baby but he was helpless. He can't help but remember their daughter.

Jian Yiling blushed and disappeared. Li Mingze was habitual with this. Mu YiChen got in and sat beside Li Mingze "She will be following us?"

Li Mingze looked at the car where 'Jian Yiling' was sitting and said "if she wants to spy, I cant stop her anyway."

Mu Yichen sighed ".....en"



But they never thought that 'Jian Yiling would go crazy and attacked Li Mingze as soon as he got off the car. The team intially stopped the cars to get fresh and eat their own food but their eyes widened when they saw two Jian Yiling appearing at the same time.

Jian Yiling panicked when sje saw 'jian Yiling' disappearing in front of her. Her eyes turned to look at Li Mingze and she screamed. "Daddy...."

Li Mingze turned to look at her as he felt a urgency in her voice and realized that his baby daughter called him daddy but his eyes fell on the evil smile of 'Jian Yiling'.  The dagger in her hand was shining with a sharp glint.

But he was used to this...just this face made him uncomfortable.  He have gone through many life death situation but at this moment he felt this was way more difficult for him.

But Mu YiChen would never see Li Mingze die in front of him. He have almost lost him...he can't go through it again.....not again.

He didn't show any pity as the vines wrapped 'Jian Yiling' and pulled her back from Li Mingze. Jian Yiling stood before Li Mingze and looked at the face same as her with bloodshot eyes.

'Jian Yiling wanted to use her space ability to teleport again but the vines wrapped around her more tightly and a pair of white and pink peony were intertwined with the vines.

She realized that she can't use her power and started to struggle but it was useless. The pink peony rubbed it's petal against the strong vine flatteringly wanting to get praise. But Mu YiChen was staring at him with undisguished hatred. Li Mingze patted his shoulder "don't forget about the antidote."

Mu YiChen reluctantly nodded and a soft vine brought out the transparent tube. 'Jian Yiling's ' eyes were bloodshot. She struggled more fiercely but Jian Yiling took the antidote tube and smacked it on the ground in front of her with hatred.

'Jian Yiling' felt her head bursting with pain in that moment. She forgot all her struggles and depended on the vine to stand on her feet.  Li Mingze hugged Mu YiChen and stepped back. "The system is trying to escape."

But unfortunately, the white peony smacked it's soft vine on air and held something transparent. 'Jian Yiling'  felt on ground. She looked at Li Mingze. She could feel death approaching her slowly but at this moment she felt regret.

The face before her eyes was too familiar. Her lips moved "brother...."

But Noone could hear her. Her tear dropped. When...when she started to resent her brother this much.....when.... her brother was her idol from childhood then where did everything go wrong? She closed her eyes. She wants to go to her brother....she missed him. Her heart revealed a hatred...yes....everything went wrong when she met this system. She wanted to destroy it even if she dies. But fate didn't give her chance and everything went blank in front of her.

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