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Li Mingze sneaked out with Mo Qin and Yan MuChen. They met with the army waiting at the border as Ah Qin whispered to him "Master, Emperor Qi have given order to the soldiers of Qi Kingdom to withdraw."

Yan MuChen nodded "it's the right time. You take back your father and I will lead the army"

Li Mingze frowned "Ah Chen"

Yan MuChen kissed his forhead "I know you are strong but think about our little one. It's okay to be spy but now you have protect the baby. Please for me....for us"

Li Mingze closed his eyes "Hmm.....I will wait for you in the camp. I am not going back to the palace....no....it's the last thing I can do for you.....for us"

Yan MuChen sighed "okay, wait for me. I'll be back soon"

A kiss on the cheek reminded Li Mingze their promises. He felt Mo Qin looking at them. "Father...."

Mo Qin patted his head "I never saw you like this. You really like him"

Li Mingze nodded.

He was taken care by Ah Xiao in the border camp and Ah Qin have gone to join the war.

It went on almost half a month before Yan MuChen came back full of blood.

Li Mingze felt nauseous but he still went to check if Yan MuChen is hurt. Yan MuChen wanted to stroke his cheeks but seeing the blood stains in his hand. He whispered in his hoarse voice "let me take a bath first."

Li Mingze bit his lips but he was relieved to see that Yan MuChen was not gravely injured anywhere. There were some skin trauma but it's not avoided in a war.



Qi Kingdom was taken in the Yan Empire's map. Yan MuChen made a great contribution to the Empire as a Emperor. But the great Emperor is now walking around outside the royal chamber. He couldn't hear anything from inside. Ah Qin patted his shoulder "dont worry"

Yan MuChen nodded but his eyes were still staring at the closed doors. Ah Xiao came out with a small bundle of clothes. "Your majesty.."

Yan MuChen peeked in as he saw the child with his closed eye but shaking hands. He took him in his arms carefully "LiXin"
Ah Qin looked at the glorious and beautiful sunrise "the name suits little prince well....your majesty"

Yan MuChen nodded "how is Ah.......the Empress?"

Ah Xiao smiled "Niangniang is sleeping. It's not easy to give birth to twins"

Yan MuChen was stunned "Tw-Twins?"

Ah Xiao nodded "Yes your majesty."
She went in followed by Yan MuChen. His gaze fell on the pale face of Li Mingze. His eyes  softened. He dropped a kiss on his forhead. "Rest well.. we are here with you"

Ah Xiao showed him the second child. "It's a ger, your majesty"

Yan MuChen smiled "let father give you similar same as brother but with different meaning. Lijie my beautiful hero "

Li Mingze smiled as he opened his eyes "Ah Chen"

Yan MuChen went near him and showed him the child. "He is such a big surprise."

Li Mingze didn't have the strength to touch the child. But he touched him with his cheeks and smiled peacefully.

Ah Qin wiped his eyes and whispered "father....he is alright and happy.....now he is a father too"

A servant whispered to him "Princess Qi have died in dungeon"

Ah Qin sneered "give her a burial. We are not so rude to dump a corpse"

But he didn't interrupt Li Mingze and Yan MuChen.


Okay this arc is done.

I have my practical exam tomorrow and on 20 so I am.not sure about the next update yet.

Good night..take care of yourself

Xoxo.... ❤


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