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Li Mingze opened the door of the meeting as several pairs of eyes looked at him "yo~ meeting has started"

Fred glared at him "take your seat."

Li Mingze shrugged his shoulder and sat on the seat. Fred took a
deep breath. "You brats want to anger me to death. Onyx as the leader you have to manage your team members"

Onyx was playing with his phone as he looked up "oh...."

Fred rubbed his temple annoyedly "Ian...."

Ian who was actually dozing opened his eyes sleepily "agent Fred, can you not yell at this treasure"
He covered his eyes with his handkerchief and proceed to sleep again.

Li Mingze's shoulder trembled as he stopped himself from chuckling.

Fred at last couldn't control his temper "I am taking away your internet connection and increasing the practice time"

Every team member looked at Fred with round puppg eyes. But Fred have already decided. "Discussion over, if I hear another scandal from the media. Then your fast foods will also go in dustbin

Everyone looked at each other as Vincent curled the hem of his cloth "lets go to hotpot"

Onyx showed his both hands indicating that he dont know about this.

Li Mingze peeked at onyx but when Onyx looked at him, he avoided his eyes. "Lets go, I'll drive"

Elias helped them woke up the sleepy head and dragged Ian to Li Mingze's red car. He sighed that he chose the car instead of the bike.

Onyx took the co driver seat as Ian continued to sleep between Vincent and Elias. Vincent pushed away his head "Ian seems to have written songs all night again"

Li Mingze turned the car towards downtown."have you guys investigate the group behind the scandal this time?"

Onyx added in his deep voice "Its seems to be the agent of Charm"

Li Mingze gripped the sterring wheel. Ivy's team name was Charm. They have started way before starting with the original owner. Ace was just a steeping stone in this dirty empire of entertainment industry.

He licked his dry lips and meet a unexplained gaze of Onyx. He smiled a little and stopped the car "we are here"

Li Mingze was lost all the time during the feast as he was thinking about something. He have felt that Onyx seems to be his husband but he didn't confirm now. He wanted to wait before his husband comes to him. He looked at a similar silhouette "Excuse me"

He followed the silhouette listening him command "tie them up and deliver them to their master"

He clenched his fist as the silhouette drove the car away "jack..."

He looked at the truck and drove his car to follow the truck singing making it seems like he is just going same way as the truck.

The truck stopped in front of a famous meeting hall where the famous and infamous meets to solve legal and illegal disputes. A man got off the truck and called someone as a waiter ran quickly to them.

Li Mingze tapped on the steering wheel as he saw everything from the parking spot. He got out and entered the hall. He looked at them from the sixth floor's balcony and booked a cab for his teammates. "Sorry, I have an emergency."

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