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Li Mingze was looking at Su Yiling who was kneeling at the ground in front of him. He sighed "Don't you think that it just waste of time and your life to conspire so much to hurt me?"

Su Yiling glared at her hatefully "I just hate you and your family. Why? Just why you deserve a family that's  so good to you but Noone wants me.  Not only you are so coward but also unfilial."

Li Mingze sighed "so much hatred. Is it really worthy to give up your life.....just because your own unworthiness"
His eyes turned cold "no, I am not coward. The real coward is you...Su Yiling. Not only you didn't dare to fight against your mother Su Yutong who abused you till now but you actually shifted all blame to me who is just aan innocent bystander in your life"

Su Yiling trembled as all her dark thoughts came to surface. Li Mingze continued "Here everyone was thinking that you are doing this for your mother...haha..."
His shoulder trembled as he laughed hiding his face in his palm. "Su Yiling....Su Yiling. You are just a joke to me."

Su Yiling was provoked to madness. She screamed out "Huai Mingze"

Li Mingze put his index finger in his  lips as he leaned back on the chair "shhhhhh......call me your highness. This lord is not commoner like you. Su Yiling"

Su Yiling screamed continuously but Li Mingze walked out without any hesitation. A coat was dropped over his shoulder. He looked at Mu YiChen who have  hugged his shoulder "let's go home"

Li Mingze smiled "en"

The building behind them had a board hung above with the words "Falcon Asylum"

Li Mingze rested his head on Mu Yichen's shoulder  "let's give her to royal mother. I don't want to see her anymore."

Mu YiChen patted his shoulder lightly "okay. We are leaving for Rosilla in two days. Your Royal father, King Huai JunFeng have invited me to Royal Ball. So what do you think? Want to my partner for the ball?"

Li Mingze looked at him "otherwise who do you want to partner up with?"

Mu YiChen rubbed the soft lips with his thumb "without you in the ball , I would like to doze off in bed with my lovely wife"

Li Mingze looked out of the window ignoring this shameless man throwing the hand off from his face. But Mu YiChen was not satisfied, he carried his wife to the bed room and pressed the beauty in the bed.

Li Mingze looked at Mu YiChen with misty eyes "Don't..."
Mu YiChen raised his eyebrow as a hand slide into his shirt. Li Mingze looked away as Mu YiChen whispered next to his ear "look at me. I love to see your expressions while doing it"

Li Mingze's gasped for breath but he knew that it's going to be long night.

Mu YiChen looked at the trembling person under him. He can't explain how much he loves him. Just For his love, he can do anything. Yes he is crazy for him.

"Ah...Chen~ "


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