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Li Mingze walked out of the damned office as he sat on his seat translating the documents as he looked at some roundabouts fraud in one. He looked at it more carefully then he looked at the manager's office. He stood up shaking his head and walked to the elevator. "It's useless to show it to that trash"

Li Mingze was not stopped by anyone until he knocked at the Ceo's office.

"Wait.....Sir have been called to chairman's office."

He turned around and saw the head secretary of the Ceo. "Thank you"

The head secretary looked at him with some thoughts then asked "what are you doing here? I don't think I have seen you before here."

Li Mingze bowed "I am from the interpretation department. There is some lines that are too tricky in Rosilla but normal in Girokil. If you sign this contract then there will be 5 % loss in the profit. 5 % of the profit will go to them without any reason just because of this contract."

The head secretary frowned "follow me"


Three men were sitting in the office in a gloomy atmosphere. There is a weird tension among them "you guys still haven't found him"

The chairman rubbed his temple. "She wants to talk with him. Now who should I let her talk to. We can't hide this anymore. We are taking too much risk. If we can't find him in 2 days then we have to inform them"

"But dad..."

A knock interrupted their conversation. The chairman waved his hand "let's talk about it later again"

The assistant of chairman peeked in "Sir, the head secretary is here"

Chairman frowned "let him come in"

Li Mingze sighed as he heard this sentence. When he came here with the head secretary, the assistant  was standing outside guarding the door if not for the head secretary panicking then he would not knock at the door.

He entered the office behind the head secretary as he saw three men staring at them. But his gaze fell on the man wearing the black shirt with his wide shoulders. A feeling was pushing him forward but he controlled himself and bowed "Chairman, Ceo...sir"

The head secretary started to explain as he saw the angry expression in their face "sir, He came to Ceo with the current contract that came from Rosilla's gem company. He said that there is something wrong with contract..."

But the Chairman gasped as he stared at Li Mingze. "Mingze?"

Li Mingze was a little confused "yes?"

The chairman sighed with relief "it's good that we found you, you mum will kill me if she finds that I have lost you. Uncle is sorry okay. Uncle's guard were not good. They lost you in midway."

Li Mingze stepped back with the coaxing tone. The assistant and head secretary were too stunned to speak.

Li Mingze looked at the chairman who is a handsome middle aged man. "Uncle Ji?"

Ji ChengYu sighed "yeah, at first call your mum otherwise she will come here and beat me to death"

Li Mingze shrugged "I have lost my phone"

Ji ChengYu : ......

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