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Li Mingze was surprised with the obsessive look. His heart was beating so fast but he calmed down his heart and smiled "That's  great. We can sign the contract right away"

Zephyr frowned again as he suppressed his other personality  but didn't say no. He doesn't go back to his words. "Okay"

Li Mingze looked at Alex who was confused but called the lawyer.

When the contract was brought by the lawyer, Zephyr was already making food in the kitchen. He came out after a while and signed the contract.

Li Mingze sighed with relief "Happy cooperation"

Zephyr was serving him food but he didn't look up "en"

But Li Mingze never thought that Zephyr will be living with him in his manor.

Zephyr waved his assistant to pack his luggage "or do you want me to go to your home 3 times a day?"

Li Mingze was confused. Did he signed the contract for 3 meals a day or just making food for him daily once or something. There is  no mention of time in the contract. "Okay"

Zephyr looked at Li Mingze's back and officially started his job.

Li Mingze was not very relaxed with the mission but he was happy with the company of his husband ....no....not his now.......but he was still happy.

He looked at the invitation list of his own birthday and frowned. The original owner was going to through a party tomorrow and the whole manor was being decorated for it. At this point, Jade was already his fiancee and they are going to get married in half a month.

He looked at Zephyr and his eyes became determined. He wants to try once.....just once. After that no matter what's going to happen. He will accept it.


The banquet was full of people. Li Mingze was shining like a star between this crowd but he was extremely nervous. Zephyr was nowhere in his sight. He must not like crowds. 

A hand patted his back. Li Mingze dodged and saw his half brother from his mother's side. "Beck, I don't like others touching me"

Beck shrugged his shoulder indicating he knows but a sneer appeared in the corner of his lips. "Happy birthday, big brother. I am so happy for you."

Li Mingze raised his eyebrows as he shared the wine cup "are you really?"

Beck looked at him in confusion when Li Mingze bypassed him and walked into the corner as he bumped into two girls fighting.

"I know you are in love with Beck. Then why are you ruining my brother's life"

"Oh. Why don't you tell this to your dear 'brother'. Yeah I know, cuz he doesn't trust you. Ariana"


"I? What am I? I am your would be sister in law. Now get aside and let me meet my fiance"

Ariana was in a total lost. A hand  patted his head. Ariana looked up and was sacred to see Li Mingze "brother...."

Li Mingze smiled as he looked at Jade's back who is looking like a beautiful white lily in the crowd. So pure and innocent. "I know, don't worry about me"

Ariana was stunned "then...then...why are you still marrying her"

Li Mingze smiled. He felt the siblings love and pinched her nose "I have my own reason. Don't poke your nose into adult's matter"
Ariana blushed. She is only 13 years old now."happy....happy birthday brother"

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