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Samuel sighed dejectedly "you shouldn't have come here"

Li Mingze looked at the injury his father had suffered and felt his body burning with anger and displeasure.

But Jen was well prepared "Kid, I know you want your parents but before that we need something for you. So just relax and let scyla take it from you"

Zephyr covered Li Mingze behind him "what do you want?"

Jen laughed "well....dont worry nephew.....I just want his heart....after that he lives or not. I don't know"

Zephyr gritted his teeth and realized the difficulty of this level. 

Scyla didn't give them any moment to react and attacked them. Li Mingze froze and pushed Zephyr out of the way as Scyla's claw digged his heart out.

The scene froze as Scyla grinned looking at her hand. The heart was stained with blood as the blood streamed down from her claws drop by drop but her smile didn't last. The freshly digged heart turned into ashes as Li Mingze came out of daze and his eyes started to glow golden.

"Presumptuous. Who had the audacity to go against heaven's will"

Zephyr looked at Li Mingze who was releasing a vast amount of power making all of them kneel .

Samuel looked down and knelt "ancestor"

Li Mingze's golden eyes looked at Samuel "my child....."

His golden eyes turned red as  Scyla started to scream. Her roars were making them tremble with fear and anxiety.

Samuel's injury started to heal up as Li Mingze stared at Jen. "Human.....you have evil ambitions. I don't have permission to punish a human so I can't touch you but.....you are not leaving here alive today."

Li Mingze closed his eyes and fainted to the ground. Zephyr took him in his arms. Samuel frowned "he is accepting the golden inheritance"

Zephyr stared at Li Mingze and caressed his cheeks "what do you mean?"

Samuel knelt beside Li Mingze. "As the heir of black dragon, we have one chance to inherit the position of the ancestor. The last ancestor is now leaving his powers to Shadow. Fortunately Scyla was impatient enough to dig his heart out. If they wanted Shadow to give up his heart then he would have died by now"

He looked at the bug pile of ash but sorrow as his wife Anna ran out of the castle. "Shadow? What happened to him?"

Samuel sighed "he is okay....we have to take him to the mountain"

Anna gritted her teeth "at first let me finish this bastard. He dared to kidnap me by lying"

She transformed into a big silver dragon as her grey eyes looked at Jen angrily. Her wind blades started to cut Jen randomly as he fell in the pool of the blood instantly.

Anna smirked. We can go now. "Let's go now"

Samuel shook his head helplessly and looked at his eldest son who is now burning with fever and murmuring inaudible sounds. "....en"

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