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Li Mingze splashed water on his face and tried to calm himself down. He took the phone that has been ringing continuously and called his assistant back "what happened?"

A gentle but anxious voice reminded him "Sir, you had an appointment with chef Zephyr. Now its almost time and you are not here"

Li Mingze thought about it and remembered that the original owner had a problem with his sleep quality and.....food. He can't eat or sleep properly.  He sighed "I will be there in a few minutes"

Li Mingze opened his eyes annoyedly and wore his normal business attire which was red and black suit, blazer and black trouser with his neat black hair which was brush back but a few strands are making quite a contrast with his neat look. He ordered the chauffeur to drive.

His assistant sighed when he saw him coming. His assistant was also quite a beauty. The long  silver hair were braided in the back after they are high ponytailed. The black blazer and trousers were completely complimenting his slender body and long legs. "Sir, Chef Zephyr just entered"

Li Mingze nodded "let's go, Alex. It's not good to make a guest wait"

He strode in with longs steps but his eyes were almost wet when he saw the supposed chef. He almost called out but suppressed his thoughts. "Hello, Master Zephyr Hills. It's my honor to have your time"

Zephyr frowned. He felt a urgency from the man in front of her. A voice came to his heart "I want him"

It made Zephyr's eyes more cold. He doesn't like to be in someone's control even if it's other him. "It's not my honor. Master Aizel "

But Li Mingze smiled listening to him. He doesn't mind his words. His heart have broken beyond this words. This words can't hurt him anymore. "Certainly. I doesn't want to talk around. Let's come to the topic, the reason why we are here. I am certain my assistant have told you the specifics about my situation. I know you don't cook for certain someone or if you don't have inspiration but I request you to make an exception. I can pay any price"

Zephyr tapped on the table thinking about it and asked seriously "what if I want 20% of your shared and the manor you live"

Alex already was surprised when his boss used the word 'request'. Now on the step of such unreasonable request, he is afraid that the cooperation will not go on.

The shares were not importabt but the manor was. It was gifted by Aizel's father on his coming age ceremony. That time his parents were already married to others and had children but his father specially gifted it to him. He was expressionless and indifferent but Alex could feel that he was happy.  He really wanted his parent's love who left him alone in his childhood and let him grow up with his grandfather.

Li Mingze also knew this......"I can give you 30% of my shares and as for the manor....how about we don't talk about this"

Zephyr narrowed his eyes dangerously. He almost wanted to refuse when a sudden emotion came and the look in his eyes change and looked at Li Mingze  with obsession "sure~"

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