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Ming Ze was so shocked that he could only look at them without saying anything. '03, what's going on?'

03 : something may have happened in reality. I am going to leave for a while. Host should take care of himself.

But Mingze didn't heard the reluctance and worry in the mechanical voice 'okay'

Yimu was looking at Ming Ze with undisguished obsession. He didn't even looked at Chen who had the same aura and soul as him. "Mingze, you are back."

Ming ze again looked at Chen "you okay?"

Chen shook his head "my head hurts. I have a feeling that there is something I want but I can't get it."

YiMu frowned after seeing Ming Ze talking u the holy guard captain but not paying any attention to him. A crazy glint flashed in his eyes. He wanted to kill this guard but he controlled himself in front of Mingze and said again "are you going back to the palace? I will escort to your room. You must be very tired after coming back"

Then he looked at Chen "captain, Sovereign has asked you to meet him as soon as you come back."

Chen nodded. He felt a bad premonition handing Ming ze to YiMu but after thinking that it is also a slice of his own soul. He didn't hesitate. Every part of his soul, consciousness and heart loves Li Mingze. No matter what, YiMu would never hurt Ming Ze.
"Yes, your highness."

He nodded at Ming ze with reluctance but he left. A shadow looked at them with sneer "heh, this bastard, You won't even know how you died here in this soul world. I am going to hand you over to your death soon. You should behappy that at least you are going to die in the hands of the love of your life. "

Then the shadow changed into a  black Raven and flew over  to the most glamorous palace and changed into a person wearing black clothes as he sat on the throne. His attendant announced  "Sovereign, Lord Chen is back. He is waiting outside for you permission"

"Oh, ask him to come inside."
Sovereign laughed evilly. The attendant didn't even dare to look up at the Sovereign. The last attendant died just because he saw the reflection of the Sovereign. After that no one dared to look at the Sovereign and from that day he was serving the Sovereign for a few decades.

"Sovereign." Chen bowed slightly. He wanted to look at the Sovereign. When he just came in this world. He learned that Ming Ze is missing and after learning about the plot, he didn't have much time to investigate the Sovereign who was not supposed to be in this world.

But the Sovereign chuckled "Chen. You have done your duty very well but this lord is very worried about the future of the temple. I want to ask you for something"

Chen nodded "it's my duty to serve the temple."

Sovereign laughed happily "indeed. It's your duty to serve the temple but still you are now the captain of the holy guards with your own talent. Chen I want to pass the throne to Ming ze. But not everyone will support him because he is a sub beast. I plan to marry him to the second holy prince. The first prince have never interfered with the outside world. He won't mind much. I need you to take the responsibility and arrange for the beast companionship."

Chen frowned "but Sovereign, would his Highness third prince agree to marry the third holy prince? "

The Sovereign narrowed his eyes "bold. If Ah Ming refuses then I would take care of it. It's not your duty to interfere with the holy prince"

Chen felt the murderous intent filling the room. There are few beast protecting the Sovereign in  shadow. He hide the thoughts in his heart and apologised "it's my fault, please forgive me."

The Sovereign took a deep breath "you should leave now, and start preparing. They would get married in 3 days."

The Sovereig saw Chen out and sneered "who cares if the son of that bitch disagrees. I have decided his death. He will never come back to the real world. "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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