Arc 4 : 4.1 : I have a princess consort?

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Li Mingze sat up from the bed and rubbed his temple. He was having a terrible headache. Maybe he had a dream....but he can't remember anything. He touched his long hair and opened his eyes slowly as his eyes fell on the long black hair. There is a chaos outside the curtain of the bed. He calmed himself down and lifted the curtain as a man bowed "Your Highness crown prince"

Li Mingze nodded as the man helped him to get ready.

"04, give me the plot"

Plot :

Tang Mingze, the sick crown prince of the Tang dynasty born by the current Empress. It's known to everyone that in the harem of 3000 beauties, Emperor Tang Yufan only loved the Empress. Fortunately, The Empress gave birth to the first heir to the throne. The Emperor passed the royal decree to make him the crown prince. Tang Mingze grew up trained by the Emperor and Empress to be the next Emperor but he got poisoned by a concubine of Emperor at the age of 14. Even if the concubine was executed, the crown prince was poisoned by the bone erosion poison. He became   more weak as day passed. At this moment, the imperial physician only developed the way to prevent the poison to flare up.

Later the second princess Tang Ning fell in love with the third son of Mu family, Mu Tianlin. The feeling was mutual but the Emperor played a trick. He gave the Mu family a condition that they have to marry a daughter to the crown prince.

The Mu family married the second daughter Mu Chen from the former legal wife  who have died a decade ago to the sick crown prince. But the original owner was not a bit interested in her. He was just counting his days before the death. All other prince knew that Tang Mingze is just crown prince in name and its just that father Emperor loved him more that anyone. Mu Chen was bullied here and there but her husband wouldn't even care to look at her.

She resented him very much. But Tang Mingze was not aware and that day soon came as he fell sick. The imperial physician announced that he was poisoned by another lethal poisoned known as thousand  purple flower poison made with thousands type of different flower with same colour Purple. It had a antidote but the antidote would only flare the bone erosion and the result was only death. The palace  sunk into sadness but the Emperor ordered to search for the culprit. The result came out soon. It was Mu Chen, the crown princess. Mu Chen ran into main room and swore "it was not's really not me. But the crown prince only smiled "it doesn't matter, I was prepared to die anyway"

Before his death, he heard that the crown princess have escaped. The black decree was passed down. The Emperor have ordered to kill her on sight.

He only felt regret at this moment. He wanted to live. He wanted to save his princess consort. She is innocent.

Difficulty level : ☆☆

Mission :

1. Live your life to old age.

2. Save Mu Chen.

Li Mingze  looked at the 2 stars and then looked at the mission. How would I complete this. The original owner is poisoned to death. He sighed and asked "where is the crown princess?"

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