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Li Mingze still sat there calmly and waited for the car to leave but the cat stopped and Zephyr got off and rushed to him.

He forced Li Mingze to get off from the car and hugged him in his arms "are you crazy? You are going to give your life away like this"

Li Mingze was frozen stiff. He had made a bet that Zephyr would come to him before the wedding but reality proved him wrong. He was not upset but encouraged to try again in his next world. His mission will be complete once he die. As for true love, he have found it but just didn't get it.  He was ready to die and leave this mission world. What should he do in this world after completing the missions. So he talked with his lawyer and transfered a part of his remaining shares to Ariana and Alex and rest were donated to charity. A big amount of money will go to charity every year as Alex will take over his position.

But now every bit of his plan and mockery are seems to be in vain. He closed his eyes in relief and hugged the anxious man tightly to paste himself on Zephyr.

They hugged each other tightly. Alex sighed and reduced his existence as possible as he can.

Zephyr didn't get any response. He looked at his sweetheart who have buried his face on his chest  "Aizel?"
He looked at his moist eyes and felt his heart ache. "Okay. I am wrong. I am sorry. Dont cry"

Li Mingze wiped the tears and looked down to hide his red eyes "I am not crying"

Zephyr sighed and hugged hin again. But their happy reunion was disturbed by Alex's ringtone.

They looked at him. Alex stood there awkwardly. "Jade is calling."

Zephyr hugged Li Mingze's waist more tightly as a mad look flashed in his eyes. He at last escaped from the control of that strict man. He looked at th red eyes of his baby and felt pain. "Okay baby look at me. I am better than her in every way."

The other personality gritted its teeth being forced to back away but he didnt fight for control. He is also jealous.

Li Mingze rubbed his back "lets go. We need to go"

But Zephyr didn't let him go "No. You are mine. I-I didn't poison you right. I love you.....just be mine and let me take care of you."

Li Mingze pecked at his lips "calm down. I love you too okay. I have already told you so but now they have to get punished and.....and its maybe sudden but would you marry me today"

Zephyr was stunned. A happy smile bloom on his face. But he was too nervous "I will. I will but  I didn't prepare anything"

Li Mingze felt that someone have    blessed him too hard. "Okay. I have eveything prepared I thought you would come before I was ready to propose you but..."

Zephyr kissed his hands and then proceed to kiss his face and lips "I am sorry"


Thats it for  today.

My period is going to kill me today. I was listening to songs and writing this chapter and now I am feeling sleepy. Good night. Going to try to sleep.

Take care of yourself...xoxo... ♡


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