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Li Mingze look at the memorials with Yan MuChen. Half of the memorials were thrown away by Yan MuChen.

Li Mingze pecked on his cheeks to coax him "okay don't be angry"

Yan MuChen frowned as he took Li Mingze in his arms. "How dare they instruct me to establish a Empress and take in concubines."

Li Mingze chuckled as he look through the memorial again "Hmm....they are quite impatient to see the heir of the royal family. Okay let's complete their wish"

Yan MuChen pinched his waist. "Dare you say something like this"
Li Mingze smacked his hands away and rubbed his waist which is somewhat red because of the pinch. "Who told you to cheat on me? I would kill that bitch by my own hands"

Yan MuChen's lips curved up "Then why did you ran away last time?"

Li Mingze glared at him "dont you know why? Okay come back to the topic. Let me tell you that you are going to be a father"

Yan MuChen raised his eyebrow "yeah? Hmm it should be true. We have done it quite fre...."

Li Mingze smacked his lips angrily. His red ears were peeking out from the Ling black hair. "Why I never saw that you are this shameless?"

Yan MuChen whispered near his red ears "because I had to maintain my best condition to chase you"

Li Mingze looked at him in surprise "You were chasing me?"

Yan MuChen sighed "forget it... It was so obvious that everyone could see it. Did you ever see me carrying someone on my back"

Li Mingze looked down and played with his finger. "Was it not because I fell for you and thought it's all my imagination"

Yan MuChen licked his lips and cupped his face and forced Li Mingze to look at him "you fell for me at the college? Not here in the virtual world?"

Li Mingze couldn't look away "mmhm.......do you want to know about your child or not?"

Yan MuChen let his face go and carried him to the bed "I do. Let's make babies"
Li Mingze felt on the bed and hugged the pillow to protect himself "you stay away from me. Don't hurt the fetus"

Yan MuChen took off his outer robe "okay don't joke with me anymore"

Li Mingze sighed and grabbed his hand. He put Yan MuChen's hand on his stomach "I don't have any mood to joke about our   child. It's here. Your and mine.. child....understood?"

Yan MuChen looked at him silently like searching for a trace of joke. But Li Mingze broke his daze "I am a ger in this world......Ah Chen?"

Yan MuChen was frozen stiff. His hand trembled as he took his hand away from Li Mingze's belly. "Baby, you promise that you are not joking with me. Right?"

Li Mingze was helpless again this man "No. I have a child here in my belly"

Yan MuChen surrounded him in his arms carefully trying not to hurt him. "Are you okay? Is everything okay? Let me call the Imperial physician."

Li Mingze put his palm on Yan MuChen's lips to stop him from yelling for the Imperial physician. "Not now. Don't worry  I am alright. You don't have to worry. It is quite normal in this world even if it is rare. But promise me you will not tell anyone about this."

Yan MuChen nodded calmly "okay"

Li Mingze was relived to see him   calm "my half sister.....The princess of Qi Kingdom will be here soon.  Let it be a secret until then okay and I have a physician with me. Don't worry about me. Are you happy?"

But where could Yan MuChen be happy. His calm face cracked "Can I talk to her? What should be avoided? No...no...let me talk to her"

Li Mingze asked Ah Xiao to enter  and saw them discussing very carefully and rubbed his temple. OK let it be.

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