Arc 6 : 6.1 : I have a ghost in my house.

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Li Mingze looked around his new room as he came into this new world. The flowing memories made his lips twitch as he looked at the child sleeping beside him and rubbed his temple.


Jiang Ze is the son of second wife of head of the Jiang family. He is known as the gentle and elegant prince from his childhood but his gentle mask hides his cunning and vicious real face. Before his mother was married into the family, his father Jiang Qi was already the head of the family. Jiang Qi had a daughter names Jiang Shu. The first wife died during giving birth to the girl so girl was not so favored in the family. She almost became a extra after her step mother married in. Her nightmare started when Jiang Ze was born but to her surprise Her little step brother was very gentle to her.

Her only happiness in the world was her little brother but this brother layed steps to hell for her.

Jiang Shu felt in love with a man and became pregnant but where did she know that this man was arranged by her dear step mother. Jiang Ze knew it all but never stopped it. He even told this news to Jiang Qi indirectly. Jiang Shu gave birth to a boy who was named as Jiang Yu and for outsiders he is Jiang Ze's son. The Jiang family hide the scandal from rest of the world. Jiang Shu was grateful that Jiang Ze had took over the responsibility of her son. But Jiang Yu was neglected by the original owner. Jiang Shu was killed by Jiang Ze's mother as she spread rumors about her bad character and relationship. She advised Jiang Qi to let Jiang Shi commit suicide. That way Jiang family's reputation will stay best.

Unfortunately Jiang Shu got reborn, she took revenge on her ex boyfriend, father and step mother while her love was only for her brother and son. But in this life, she was also killed by her loved ones because of the family property.

But before dying she told everything about her rebirth but after that she realized that she had been poisoned. In the face of her death she still couldn't believe that it's done by her brother. She looked at her son for help but she saw her son eating without any hesitation without caring about her or anything.

On the other hand, Jiang Ze regretted it. He was always a tool for everyone that gave birth to his complex personality. He watched everyone kill each other before taking the last step but at the last moment he realized that only this sister loved him wholeheartedly. He regretted deceiving his sister....he regretted not caring about Jiang Yu. He regretted that he couldn't stop hurting the persons who really cared for him.

Difficulty level: ☆☆

Mission :

1. Make up for his mistakes.
2. Punish the scum parent.

Li Mingze frowned as he looked at the second mission which doesn't have any information in the plot and brushed his hair back. He felt someone staring at him but Jiang Yu was sleeping beside him and no one is in the room.

><><><><><><><><><><><'s the arc.

I still didn't receive my new glasses. My power is -3.5. So you can guess that I am having  difficulty seeing things and I have tons of order that have to be delivered tomorrow.

I am tired.

But writing this relaxed me a lot...I am gonna sleep now...gunnit.

Take care of yourself...xoxo... ❤


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