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Li Mingze was following Yan MuChen back to the main palace of the Emperor.

Yan MuChen wave his hand and the servant went out one by one. It's October, the weather was a little cold at night. "Ah ze'

Li Mingze froze and looked up to meet the soft eyes. He waist was wrapped around in strong arms as he was hugged tightly in the chest in front of him. Yan MuChen closed his eyes "okay....you are here. Nothing happened"

"Ah Chen?" Li Mingze blurted out as he felt sometgung wet on his shoulder. "Are you cryimg"

A soft hoarse voice replied from his neck "No....I am not crying. I just miss you so much"

Li Mingze patted his back. The hoarse voice continued "why didnt you give me a chance to explain. You escaped like that. Do you know I almost went crazy"

Li Mingze frozed. His hand rested on his back stiffly. ".....I am....sorry"

Yan Mu Chen still hugged him silently before he calmed down and raised his head from Li Mingze's neck. His red eyes made Li Mingze sigh.

Yan MuChen sat on the soft couch and pulled Li Mingze in his lap. Li Mingze kissed his lips lightly but Yan Muchen deepend the kiss. He felt the same urgency as last night. "Ah Chen, I am here"

Yan MuChen nodded.  Li Mingze asked him softly "so when did you start remembering"

Yan MuChen took a deep breath as his voice went softer as he spoke. "I Have always remembered"

Li Mingze pinched his chin "speak properly"

Yan MuChen avoided his eyes "I have always remembered."

Li Mingze rubbed his lips "then why didn't you tell me me when I asked you in the sixth world. "

Yan MuChen felt the fingertip in his lips. He licked his lips nervously because he can feel the anger behind the calmness of his baby. The tongue touched Li Mingze's finger. Li Finger wiped his finger on the Emperor's dragon Robe.

"Because.....because Theassistantcantsayabouttheiridentitytothehost."

Li Mingze looked at him sharply "what did I tell you? Speak properly or does his majesty wants to go to the study to look over the memorials"

Yan MuChen shook his head hurriedly. "I-I...was telling you that.....a assistant can't reveal their identity to the host. It's against the rule of the virtual sensor and I.....I couldn't believe you love me. I...thought you would feel disgust towards me."

Li Mingze thought for a while "so you were 04?"

Yan MuChen nodded.

Li Mingze looked at him worriedly "03 told me that 04 has encountered an accident. What happened to you? And you wouldn't behave strangely in last world if you remembered me"

Yan MuChen avoided his eyes "it's okay....nothing serious...wait...wait 03? Are you sure your current assistant is 03?"

Li Mingze glared at him "answer me first"

Yan MuChen was silent but the question was answered by 03.

03 : He had permission to assist you until silver level but he entered forcefully on the gold level. Because you should have got well before silver level. He have prepared until the 6th world but after entering without permission. His consciousness was divided into two parts without any memories.

Ofcourse Yan MuChen couldn't hear it but seeing Li Mingze's tear. He panicked. "Baby, why are you crying? Ah Chen is here"

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