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When Li Mingze arrived next to the injured orc. They saw a man lying on the ground surrounded by blood as the leader is weeping next to its body. The priest couldn't help but pat on his head.

Li Mingze walked to the injured body and saw multiple wounds in the body, but the wound on its chest to stomach was the most worrisome. If it's not treated in, it will be life risking. He touched the blood and realized that he was still bleeding. He tore off the clean cloth on his body and pressed it lightly into the wound to stop bleeding.

The priest hurriedly stopped him. "dont touch..... him. He is envaded.... by the.... evil ......spirits. We ....can't...... save him ......anymore....... Don't take...... his .....misfortune..... on you."

The leader sniffed but still said, "Step back, little beast. It's our misfortune. We can't do anything about us."

But Li Mingze glared at him. "I dont give up until my last breath. Otherwise, I wouldn't be alive until now. Don't stare at me like an idiot. Bring me some fresh and clean water."

The leader and the priest looked at each other. The leader was not in the situation to follow his order, and the priest was a slot. He is too slow to move. Zaro saw that no one said anything else and ran to bring clean water. He gave the clean water  in a leaf, which is in the shape of a bowl.

Li Mingze cleaned the wound. He looked for the herb to stop bleeding. He sighed with relief after seeing the mugwort leaf. At first, He washed the leaves and then clenched the leaved until it dripped a little of its juice. He placed it on the wound to stop bleeding in a little while.

The priest watched the whole process carefully. His hands trembled. "Sovereign?..... Are.....you the.....Sovereign?"

Li Mingze felt the term familiar and looked at him.
The priest saw his confused eyes and whispered "Yes...how...can...than..be? The Sovereign....is a orc....I never....read about.... a sub beast....sovereignty."

But priest believed that even if he is not Sovereign. He is someone who has learned some skills from somewhere because only the Sovereign has this power.

Li Mingze shook his head and decided not to think about this matter. It's important to take Fion back and treat him properly first. "Let's take him back."

The leader didn't dare to look at his brother before, but when he heard what Li Mingze said. He looked up with some hope and disbelief. "Really?"

He saw Li Mingze nodded. He wiped his tears with embrassment. Zaro also looked down. In his life, he always saw the leader as cold and mighty, but now the leader is crying helplessly like a cub in front of the sub beast.

Zaro went back to the Tribe and brought the fellow orcs with him. They took him back to the Tribe slowly to prevent the wound opening again.

But someone came  to stop them while screaming. "What are you doing? Do you really want to end the Tribe for you selfishness?  I....I knew. This sub beast is unlucky. Everything is gone wrong because of him. Now our Tribe will be surrounded by evil spirits. He is the one who brought the evil spirits with him that day."

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