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Li Mingze was watching the live broadcast of Lin Yinuo's interview. Lin Yinuo was wiping her tears and explaining her hardwork on the song.

"It took 3 months to write that song. It was my dream to stand on the high platform and sing to my fans. But...but *sniff* I heard brother ze singing in the same lyrics I wrote in the livestream. I was so heart broken that time. He was my idol. How could he do that"

"No....I decided to fight back and took my finished draft to boss Hu. He praised me and prepared the concert. I am so grateful to him."

Lin Yinuo blushed and answered the questions of reporter one by one with a blush in her face.

Li Mingze sneered and opened the door of his previous room that have been made suitable for live stream in these few hours.

Li Mingze opened up the live stream at sharp 8 pm. He took the guitar and sat in front of the camera.

Your Cookie: Hey, you can still fucking sing.

Cute sweetheart : If I were you, Iwould go and die somewhere after the plagiarism.

White tiger woods: I heard Li Mingze hooked up with the president of star one Entertainment.

Peach blood: Heh? He would be divorced soon with that virtue. My male God would never look at him.

Brother Qing: Shameless!! Go die!

Peach blood : Shameless!! Go die! +1

Ypur cookie : Shameless!! Go die! +2

Li Mingze ignored the comments and turned his guitar. His lips prted and a voice calmed down the whole live stream.

The live stream number broke 4 million viewers straight but Noone commented anything. It was completely silent.

Li Mingze opened his eyes and put the guitar down. He knocked at the mic as the viewers woke up.

White Tiger woods : It was "dream" but not "dream"

Money is my life : I don't know what but I have a bold idea.

Sweetie : What upstairs?

Blue whale : +1

Money is my life: It's the second part of the song dream.

Sweetie : Fuck!!

Blackjack: Fuck!!

Li Mingze licked his dry lips "I was just seeing Miss Lin's interview. She said that she wrote the song for 3 months. Its October now That means she must have started writing in June. Then I wanted to ask her how did I plagiarized your lyrics when I have already completed it last year"

There was a silent in the room when a fireworks blasted in the computer screen with falling roses

"Mu Ze gave you 666 fireworks"

"Mu Ze Gave you 520 roses"

Li Mingze scratched his red eartips as he watched the name "MuZe"
He blurted out a sentence "when will you be back for dinner"

Sweetie : Fuck they are giving out dog food.

Green tea is not my taste: I was here for dream but now I got dog food

Mu Ze : I will be back in half an hour. Go on.

Sweet dreams : cppppppp

Li Mingze shared his screen and proceeded to open the folder named dream. It has many folders to count but they can see that the last file was dated last year. Li Mingze opened the file and it had the complete song that was plagiarized. But what was shocking is that Li Mingze changed the page and another half of the song that was just sung by Li Mingze was showed to the viewers.

Blue whale : laozi hates to be deceived most in his life

Your sweetheart : I am sorry.

Your cookie : I am sorry Li Mingze

Cute sweetheart : going to fuck that bitch up. We are just used as sword for her to play.

Li Mingze heard a car horn. His eyebrow relaxed.

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