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Li Mingze was still sitting in the chair when the Principal came in hurry "Master Li"

Li Mingze licked his dry lips. "I thought Maplewood high school will be worthy of the name but what am I seeing here? You are taking care of these second rich generation pigs instead of their parents"

The Principal looked down embrassedly. Li Mingze continued "that's why you were taking money from my mother every month. My money doesn't come for these good for nothings. I didn't even enter the school when....."

He directly pointed at the prettiest girl in the class. "This girl said that I look handsome but....why am I wearing mask. Maybe I am ugly under this mask. This is how you teach these rascals" He took off the mask from his face "here look. Loazi looks ugly? If your big brother looks ugly then Noone looks good here"

Actually when he couldn't change his face according to the last world. He let the surgeon put back his original face but it's  still a little different and beautiful than before.

There was a gasp inside and outside of the class. Li Mingze felt a burning stare in his face. He wanted to look for it but his gaze fell on Teacher Yu.

The Principal could feel his feet trembling as he heard Li Mingze continuing "And this lady, is she worthy of being called a teacher. She didn't even asked for my marks but yeah she did asked for my background. Because I am being admitted in 12C. Give her termination letter. I dont want to see her again"

Principal was wiping his sweat from his temple "Master Li, this way you will leak news about your whereabouts"

Li Mingze sneered "I didn't come here to hide. I am from Shi family who will never run away. I just came here because I don't want to get involved again but if they comes to me then I'll not step back"

He walked out of the class "clean off all this mess.."

A voice interrupted her "you can't do this.... this decision can only be taken by the board of directors"

Li Mingze leaned back a little and looked at Teacher Yu coldly "I am the second biggest shareholder of this school, only if the first shareholder intervene then you can stay here otherwise....you should start packing your things"

Teacher Yu staggered a step but her eyes lit up when  he heard about the first biggest shareholder. She wanted to ask the students about it if any of their parents is the first shareholder. She helped them again and again by hiding their crimes of bullying other classmates or cheating in exams. They will surely help but her dream shattered when a voice woke her up "Then she should pack up her things. I am also waiting for the right moment."

They looked at the source of voice, a handsome man was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pocket outside the door as the students made way for him. "Teacher Yu, I am your colleague, Teacher Mu of Class 12A and Mu YiChen as the first shareholder."

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