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Yan MuChen coaxed Li Mingze to sleep. He stroke Li Mingze's hairs. "03 or Li JiShen?"

A shadow leapt before him "as you know"
It is none other Ah Qin.

Yan MuChen rubbed his temple. "How are you now?"

Ah Qin looked at Li Mingze softly who was sleeping soundly. "Very good, your brother in law have agreed to be with me"

Yan MuChen shook his head helplessly. "Did you tell Ah ze but your relationship"

Ah Qin was silent for a while. He looked out from the window. The whole capital was silent. Only the city guards are patrolling. "No. He can't know yet. We can't give him another shock. Moreover we didn't find that witch."

Yan MuChen nodded. Ah Qin jumped out of the window.

. .

This time Yan MuChen was sleeping when Li Mingze woke up. He felt that the last night was a dream. He can't believe that Mu YiChen also loves him. He came out of the bed alerting Ah Xiao and other maids outside the room. They came in. Li Mingze signalled them to keep silent. The maids went out leaving Ah Xiao behind.

Ah Xiao helped Li Mingze to take a bath and combed his hair. She hesitated before saying "Master, are you sure?"

Li Mingze smiled gently. Ah Xiao didn't ask him anything. She looked at the rising sun.

Li Mingze felt the movement in the bed. He raised the curtain and saw Yan MuChen gropping around in the bed to find him. He chuckled that made Yan MuChen open his eyes "so funny?"

Yan MuChen pulled him into his chest "so naughty. Actually dared to laugh at Zhen"

Li Mingze rested on top of him comfortably "is it Concubine's fault that your majesty is so cute"

Yan MuChen bit his neck "cute huh?"

Ah Xiao looked down and went out without any sound.

Li Mingze pushed his head away "dont do this, I just took a bath. It's very inconvenient to take a bath here"

But Yan MuChen's eyebrow twitched "someone served you while your bath?"

Li Mingze thought about Ah Xiao who was waiting outside the curtain "hmmm..."

Yan MuChen gripped his chin. "Don't let anyone serve you from now. I'll help you take a bath from now"

Li Mingze hummed. They are a pair of old husbands. There is nothing to be shy between them. "Okay"

Yan MuChen felt that his world was never so peaceful. His hands  got into the thin robe pinching the tender skin. "What's your identity in this world?"

Li Mingze opened his eyes and smacked his roaming hand. But the hand was still stroking its favorite place. "I am the unfavored prince of Qi Kingdom. Here to spy on you.....do you also have a mission?"

Yan MuChen's hand roamed to the back from the waist and traced the backbone "My mission was to be the Emperor here."

Li Mingze met his eyes "when did you came here?"

Yan MuChen thought for a while before recalling "maybe 10 years ago, I was waiting for you for a long while. So I couldn't control myself especially when I was feeling guilty about the last life"

Li Mingze felt distress for his husband. He had heard the merits of the Emperor from the Great Empress "it's okay. You lost your memories that time"

Yan MuChen buried his face on his neck and took a deep breath "even though....I was wrong"

Li Mingze smiled "okay then you are punished to be with me for the rest of my life"

Yan MuChen hugged him gently taking out his hand "I will be glad to keep you company"


My written exams are over. Now I just have practicals. The dates are not set yet.

But I have a sore throat and fever from  last night. 😭😭😭😭

I will take the 3rd vaccine / precaution dose after I get well. I am receiving messages since the early June. But because of the exam I couldn't risk to take it but I am somewhat free now so I'll take it.

Take care of yourself...xoxo... ❤


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