Crush on the neighbor

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:) Hey Alex, actually kinda would appreciate some advice. 

Alright, this sounds like a crappy girl book, but I have a huge crush on my neighbor. Yeah, he's gorgeous and perfect and all that sappy crap and I'm a freak and a nerd, but isn't that what to expect from a cheesy story like this? We've been really good friends for about 5 years and he keeps dating cheerleaders and other various jerks and bitches. He keeps getting his heart broken and every time he gets dumped he comes to me to cry on my shoulder and seek consolation. And every time I let him. Now he's dating yet another and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm crazy jealous and yeah, I hate her. Now, I don't date, and I won't until I'm well on my way to a successful future and this is no exception, I just can't stand to see him hurt yet again. Every time I try to talk to him he just gets defensive and says that I don't understand how he feels about her and that she'd never hurt him. I want to let it go but I can't, and now she's started complaining to ME about him. What do I do? He won't listen to me and as soon as I say anything to her she just cusses me out and calls me a jealous bitch. I'm at a complete loss. 

Please help! 




Dear NerdyandProud,  

I am proud of you that you are committed with school before boys. Now I want to ask you something. Why do you give advice to them if they don't want to take it? I feel it is useless to try to talk to people and they don't take your advice. It's like 'why don't you deal with it yourself since you know so much already.' I think they should deal with their own problems and I believe giving them advice is hurting you anyways right? And have you told him how you feel? Then maybe if you did, that he wouldn't have all these other girls to date. The situation would be flipped over to something possible. You should have a heart to heart conversation about how how he feels, tell him he's in a safe place, no judgement or anything, and just listen. And if the moment is right, maybe explain something you've been feeling for him. You never know, he might feel the same way but goes for the cheerleaders because its easier. I hope this helped !  

With love,  


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