I thought I was straight

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Dear Alex,

Well i thought i was straight until i began crushing on my best friend.

We know we have feelings and kissed etc but we didn't take it seriously and now we both have boyfriends. 

But then i have begun to feel really strongly about her, more so than anyone else i have 'fallen' for.

how do i tell her??

What do i do with my boyfriend???

no one at my school is lesbian and im moving next year!!

Please help. Please, please help.

-hopeless lover


Dear hopeless lover, 

Well I certainly haven't been in this predicament before but I'll tell you this. If you guys are as close as I think you are you should sit her down and talk about it. Say something like "We're best friends right? We can tell each other anything?" And then ask her how she would feel if she found out you weren't straight.. and if she's fine with it.. ask her how would she feel about you like liking her as more than a friend. This shouldn't be that hard since you guys already know how you guys feel toward each other and kissed, etc. But this time you have to explain to her what you feel isn't a joke. This might actually lead to a confession of her feeling the same towards you and if this happens you both might want to break it with your boyfriends because it isn't fair for them to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't feel the same towards the opposite gender. With the moving situation... let me ask you, are you and your best friend still going to be able to see each other or are you moving really far? This doesn't really change the situation but it does bring on a different path with which way this turns. 

You basically have two paths that this can go to. 

1) you tell your best friend and she doesn't like you the way you do to her then you move and then you don't have to deal with the hurt. 

2) you tell her and she feels the same way and then you deal with the distance. 

Either way both have a positive side to it. It's just a matter of time your going to find out which path it leads to. 

I hope I helped you c:


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