Desperate for him

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Dear Alex,

         I really like this guy but he knows I like him and he won't talk or text me!!! I feel like I'm not good enough and just to slit my wrist or what ever. And now I think he's got a girlfriend, I'm desperate for him to like me even as a friend! There's a dance coming up and I really want him to ask me. please help!!!!

Sincerely, BrokenHearted


Dear BrokenHearted,

          Woooooooow there slow down. You slit your wrist??? DO NOT EVER SLIT YOUR WRIST AGAIN, do you hear me??? Not even for this guy or the next one or the next one! Don't you ever slit your wrist for anyone even if you are feeling pain. Now that I said that I just want to say if this guy doesn't want to talk or text you anymore and continues to ignore you, I just want to tell you right now that you deserve better. You need to have someone that won't do this to you intentionally because the odds are, is that he is just doing this intentionally and it's probably because he doesn't see you that way. If he's got a girlfriend it's not the end of the world. There are a million other guys that are out there. And here's a tip, don't look, sound, or act desperate. Guys say that's a turn off and I have to agree. You have to be confident in yourself and don't bug him too much because that will drive him more away. Let him have his time and if he doesn't come crawling to you then move on. It's that simple. If someone doesn't want to be in your life then let them chase you and if they don't chase you then never chase them unless it's really worth have emotional scars later in the long haul. 

         With this dance that is coming up, well you may want to because you like him but the question is does he like you? Wait it out and if he does, he will ask you and if he doesn't, someone else will. And if no one else does then you go to that dance alone and you still have a good time. You hear me?! 

    I hope this helped and if you ever need someone to talk to about the cutting situation, I'll be here <3


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