Girls who want sex and boys who don't

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Dear Alex,


Last night, my girl friend wanted  us to have sex (I did NOT agree and did NOT do it) I mean, we're only 14! I wasn't ready and I doubt she would have been able to handle what could have happened.

But now she's all pissed at me, and  I saw her kissing another guy and when I saw her she winked at me and mouthed "maybe he will"

What do I do? Please help me!


Confused Shitless


Dear Confused shitless,

okay............ o,o Uhm.. talk about wanting revenge.. Sorry sweetie but I feel like your girlfriend is seriously sexually frustrated.. and that's me saying it in the nicest way possible.. I think that you made the right decision to not have it with her and yes you are only 14. You or her shouldn't be having sex at the age you are. Your only becoming teens and it would be a shame if she got pregnant... I think that you should wait til this all cools down before you talk to her.. uhm dude she cheated on you and you saw it.. and she threatened you with trying to have sex with another guy... do you really want someone like that to be your girlfriend? I would think wisely before answering that. If I were in your position I wouldn't. But anyway don't let anyone pressure you into something that you don't want to do no matter how pissed off they are or how much you like/love that person. Do it when your ready because then it will turn into something like sexual harassment. If you need to talk more my inbox is always welcome to you!


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