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Hi Alex! I'm Macie! I'm in drama and I need advice like... About confidence ? Any advice? 


Dear Macie, 

Confidence with drama? ooo well the first thing to confidence when acting is learn how to fake it! Yes you can act while you act and that's the beauty of it. Don't show anyone that your scared. You have to take the stage like you would concur any battle except with poise. Posture is a very good sign of confidence. If your chin is up high and your back is straight then you possess what others who don't have good posture possess. Practicing in front of the mirror your lines will gain you more confidence as well and looking people in the eye will project even more confidence you have with in you! Always try your best and you will go places! Actors know how to act and they use that in all aspect of their life no matter if they know it or not cx 

Alex c:

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