The fear to be rejected again

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Dear Alex, 

It all started in middle school with this one guy. I had liked him and my friend ended up telling him that I liked him. He gave me a letter telling me that he should forget him and that no one could like a girl like me. I was devastated and hurt. I ended up keeping the letter and the ones after that. The letters ended after we both went to high school and he moved to a different state. I couldn't throw the letters away until some guy asked me out but I ended up rejecting him because I was still hurt from the last guy. I blocked the pain away until this new guy came a long. It hasn't been long since I met him but he's changing me and I like him. The only problem is that I fear rejection again, along with pain and hurt. I rejected someone and I don't want that to happen again. Any advice you can give me?

- The Girl In A Swirling World 


Dear, the girl in a swirling world, 

I think it's natural to feel pain and hurt after something like that happens. I've been through this kind of rejection before and it sucks. I also rejected guys but it wasn't for that reason actually but I still know how it is to feel it. Let's just say that I've been rejected by like 5 guys now? But I got up from it and I know you can to. Rejection is just part of life sweetie. You have it to make you stronger and appreciate love more when it comes into your life. If this last guy is changing you, then yeah it can be scary, but you got to learn to bring love or like back into your life. You don't have to do it right away but when the time is right. Life is too short to not take chances and to keep hurt in. Let it out and breathe in the scent of caramel and roses xD haha But yeah, one way or another someone in life will hurt you but it's how you stand tall afterwards that counts. You are a strong enough to throw those letters away, now be strong enough to open up your heart again :) Don't let that guy who doesn't know your worth affect you. Because trust me, the guy does not know anything about how amazing you are and it was his loss for ever giving a letter to you and saying that. I honestly think he should have said it to your face. But don't fret about it anymore.One step at a time. That's what gets you from point A to point B :)

I hope this advice helps ya :)


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