Does love like the movies exist?

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Hey Alex,  

I kinda have a question that has been bugging me. I've watched all these movies with the guy being romantic to the girl or thinking about her all the time. Does that love exist? Do guys truly love girls?  Love, TeenGirl


Dear TeenGirl, 

              Okay I want you to step away from the movies real quick. Now I want you to look at the world around you and what you think realistic love is. What do you see around you with people that say they are in love? Do you see any of the stuff that they have in the movies?

               I won't answer that for you but I will say that movies are consisted of a lot of what we wish we had and of course what others wish they had. Is it impossible for a love like the love in the movies? Of course not, but you have to realize that each and every guy is different, just like each girl is. Each girl desperately wants a love like lets say the notebook. That for example is a terrible example because a lot of movies with love aren't perfect. They have a fault to it. In the notebook the girl had lost her memory yet the husband stays by her side each time. It's not perfect love you search for it's the perfect love you create. Now just because that is a fault doesn't mean it's not love. Because love is staying by someones side no matter what happens to the other person.

               If something like that were to happen to you and the guy loved you, I bet they would stick by  your side unless they were an idiot and didn't really love you. Another example for you not to search for the love like in the movies is lets say Dear John.. that movie was full of twists and turns. Two people that love each other but one has to go into military and then the girl ends up married to some other guy. It's not a perfect love either. Or lets say another romance would be hes just not that into you. This one consists of love not working out but also teaches you to be independent and start a new life or a new love that may not happen so quickly. One more example is A walk to Remember. That movie happens to be set around a girl and leukemia. The guy didn't know until he fell for her but he tried to help her and tried to make her happy. And when the time came he was still married and happy even when she was gone. That love right there is the best of all of them because you love someone til their dying breathe. You don't leave them when they are about to pass but make their final moments on earth the best ones yet.

              I think people forget that the things in the movies hold so much more that what they see. It isn't just two people living happily ever after but it's the journey to a life beyond that. That kind of love exists. Of course a guy will think of you when he misses you and can't get enough of you but you also have to realize that guy has a ton of stuff going on in his brain too. It's like girls also.. your not going to miss or think about that person all the time. Your going to be probably thinking about a million other things in the day also. And you know what? You should never feel quilty of that.. but since we crave attention and affection as humans were going to want to hear the other person say that you or they were thinking of them or you. Now to help this cause.. whenever you miss that person just send a text saying I miss you. So every time you say that or that your thinking of them then they will know that you were and wont ask at the end of the day if you weren't or not. 

           Obviously some guys don't do that because sometimes they are busy but don't doubt that they aren't thinking or missing you cause chances are that they were. If they miss you, they will not just say it but they will show you. With a guy being romantic to a girl.. well again, some guys are different and don't have a romantic bone in their body.. but that doesn't mean they can't try and this is what people see as "the perfect moment" or a "romantic moment" when the guy had to put a lot of work and thought into it. But again.. a romantic date for some guys is eating a hot dog with you at a baseball game. Everyone is different. Not everyone is the same. 

         Guys do truly love girls but some just don't find the right one at the right time so they end up with other girls that don't matter to them. Guys love girls there way and so do girls. Ever heard of the saying "just because they aren't loving you the way you want doesn't mean they aren't loving you with their all" ? That applies here. Guys give all they have their way and you give all you have your way. That's kinda why some relationships don't last or people fight... it's because they don't see or feel the other person giving as much love as they would like but sometimes that's all the love someone can give you at that moment... 

But yeah I hope this helps and wasn't confusing! :D 

Alex :)

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