The boy at camp

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Dear Alex,

I really need your advice. So over the summer I went to this liturgy camp for like 5 days and there were only like 21 people there so by the end of camp everyone was super good friends and wicked close. Well, there was this guy at camp who is LITERALLY every single thing I have ever wanted in a guy and more, and we became really good friends. Well during camp we all recieved a sheet of paper with everyone's email on it and it wasn't till I got home that I realized that I didn't have the sheet so I can't talk to any of my new friends! And I keep trying to convince me to have a facebook so that I can talk to all of them, especially him through that but she won't let me! I fell really hard for him. I have never felt so strongly about a guy before and it kills not being able to talk to him. It also hurts to think about the fact that he hasn't emailed or called me since camp which was in July, which makes me feel like he doesn't even care, but he didn't seem like the type of guy that was like that. I've tried SO HARD to get over him and it's just not working and I don't know what to do please help!? 

-Sincerely Can'tbounceback


Dear Can'tbounceback, 

hm, well have you called whoever was in charge of that camp to see if you could get everyone's email to you by email? I mean that is an option. Then there is the option of getting over the guy who hasn't called or emailed you. Wait he has your number? O_O But anyway, the best way to get over someone is time and then distracting yourself and then more time and then finding someone else to fall hard for. It's not easy but that's just how it is. But I'll tell you one thing, try hard to do whatever you can to talk to this boy again. If you have tried really hard and can't do anymore then that's when you can throw in the towel.. but until then, think and try to find different ways to contact him! c:

I hope this helped you!


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