Break up to make up?

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Dear Alex,

well i broke up with my boyfriend because i had personal issues going on and then he started dating this one girl who was a total whore like no lie anyway my friend told me that my ex boyfriend only dated her to make me jealous so i was like is that how little he thinks of me that he thinks he could make me jealous by dating a ratchet any way he broke up with her and told me he missed me and still had feelings for me. To be honest i still have feelings for him too i mean i thought i was over him but when i saw him with her i felt like ripping her head off or something. So what should i do what is your advice to me?

-confused girl


Dear confused girl, 

Well, are these personal issues going to stop you a second time with being with him? Think about that before anything else. Because if it's just going to get in the way again their is no point in trying to get back together with him, do you know what I mean? But if you have to figure it out, how to deal with these personal issues, then just do that first before anything. Then see where it takes you. If it doesn't take effect anymore then what are you waiting for? You both still have feelings for each other -_-"


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