Never dated so how do I know he likes me?

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There's this guy I like, and he might or might not like me back. I've never dated before, and I don't know what to do. He has some of the signs of liking me back, but I'm so awkward I might be wrong. How do I know?




Dear Thefriendsgeek, 

have you read my post about how to tell if a guy likes you? Maybe you should look that over (: But also we go through life asking this question over and over again if they like us or not and sometimes were wrong and sometimes were right. Most of the times that were wrong is because we look for all these things that maybe point out that they like us but really they were just being our friend and what not .-. When we are right, it's usually cuz they make it pretty obvious. Is this guy making obvious or does it seem like he is covering his feelings up? .-.  

You basically won't know fursure, we all don't know.. unless he comes up to you that he likes you or you go to him and ask if he likes you.. 

Before you ever date it's always going to be Awkward but don't worry that changes in time :)

I hope this helps! 


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