I like him, he doesn't like me. I hate the girl that he likes.

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Here's my situation:

   So, there's this guy at my school, that I REALLY like. I've liked him for a little over a year now, and I think...I think...I'm in love with him....

   I love every little detail about him. His eyes, his nose, his freckles, his smile, his laugh, his hair, how weird and crazy he is, how he's really tall, the way he dresses, just..everything.

   There's just one thing I don't like about him. And that is he doesn't like me back. He likes someone else. I found out not too long also who he likes. And it turns out the person he likes, is the person that i've never liked. Always hated her. And what really frustrates me is that, she has the most longest hair i've like, ever seen. I'ts so long and pretty. And all I wanna do is play with her hair and braid it. And everytime I think that, I just think to myself, "No. You hate her. Stop. She's not pretty. Neither is her hair. Stop.". Whenever I see her, I just want to kill her. She just makes me so mad.

    Last year, one of my awesome friends -who is THE MOST talkative person I have EVER met- asked him out for me...TWICE! The first time she asked him out for me, he said, "F*ck no!", And THAT hurt SO BAD, in SO many ways. She asked him a second time like a couple weeks later, and said no...again. Just a couple days ago in my spanish class she asked me if I still liked him, and I said I did. And she asked me if she could ask him out for me..again! I said, "No! You already did that twice last year!". But I don't know if she listened to me or not, so idk if she's gonna or not.

 Another huge problem is that I'm a shy person. So I never have the gut to talk to him, or even say hi, or ask him a question about whatever I need to ask. That really annoys me. So all I really do is stare at him, and smile and stuff. And when I catch him looking or staring at me, I get a thousand butterflies, and my heart races a 1,000 miles. But I would seriously like to talk to him sometime. 

   If this made any sense, can you please help me? 

Thanks, Broken_hearted_shy_girl


Dear Broken_hearted_shy_girl, 

Wow.. that's a lot to process.. All I can tell you is that you should get over him.. I mean it's going to be hard but that's all you can do unless you gain the courage to actually talk to him. I think the reason that he doesn't like you is because he doesn't know you. So if your annoyed with yourself, do something about it. Just say hi once in awhile or even ask what the homework was, like you forgot what it was or something like that. Small things to pick up a conversation or give reasons for you to talk to him. I know I barely helped but it's hard when he doesn't like you and he likes someone else.. which you shouldn't get mad at the girl. But if you are Jealous then use that to drive you to talking to him, like a motivation. Because when a girl gets jealous, you would be surprised what she can do with that little fire inside her.


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