Afraid to be judged and wants a boyfriend

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hey, i'm a teenage girl that HATES school and has a lot of problems. First, i'm afraid of everybody else's opinions, i'm afraid to be judged and yes i can say that i receive plenty of "negative"opinions. Many people say that i'm fat, i'm 52 kg and 1.60 cm and i really try to ignore them but i can't...also, i want to have a boyfriend. Most of my friends have boyfriends, almost everyone has a bf or a gf and i'm really confused...

-Scared girl


Dear scared girl, 

Oh man.. you remind me of me.. in a few ways actually but I'll say what I usually tell myself. Those peoples opinions don't matter if you believe they aren't true. If you love yourself and your body then those peoples opinions don't matter. You are beautiful the way you are and you should start to believe it. Those people are just going through what every other person is going through and I bet it's what they are doing to you. Truth is, everyone is going to judge you, you just have to find people that still love you even after you have told them so many f'ed up things about you. Those people are the ones worth keeping. With the whole boyfriend thing.. just because everyone has one doesn't mean you NEED one. You can be happy without a boyfriend and honestly it probably isn't your time to have a boyfriend yet.. just go with the flow, one day the perfect guy will come into your life but don't just have a boyfriend because your lonely.. if you really want to get a boyfriend then start talking to some and see how that works out for ya, darling. 

Hope this helps some, 


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