Get the parents to realize the guy you like is nice

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Dear Alex,  

So I went to church camp the other day and met this guy (let's call him 'A'). He's really nice, funny, smart, sweet, and not like other guys, a true gentlemen. Recently, he admitted that he liked me and would like to get to know me better since we met just a few days before. I, obviously, like him back, and I told him that. The only problem was that he is two grades above me. My parents disagree that I should date him (I wasn't going to anyway, but parents can be parents) even though they haven't even met him. In the future, I might possibly like to date him, but how will I get my parents to realize how incredibly nice he is?  

Please help, Brown-eyed chic   :)


Dear Brown-eyed chic, 

Well, you guys aren't dating yet. You guys are just getting to know each other so I don't see why hanging around him would be a problem. I would do that first. With that being said maybe a long the way he can even meet the parents and you introducing him just as a friend. Let them warm up to him. Like say at a church you go to or a run in at the super market. It can happen.And when they warm up to him, bring the idea up of dinner at your house or try dinner at his house. Or hang outs with friends and stuff like that. Then later when you guys do decide to date they won't object to it. :3

I hope this helps, 


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