Feelings don't make you weak and anger is only caring

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Dear Alex,

he already knows about my issues andi trust him but im scared that him knowing this makes me volnerable . Also i dnt really talk to him about this things cause when i do he gets pissed off cause of wat happened to me he just starts yelling i guess cuz he has a short temper anyways how can i talk to gim without him getting so mad?

-confused girl once again


Dear Confused girl,

     You are not vulnerable because you told him your feelings and if he thinks so then he can skrew himself. Never feel as if your feelings make you weak because they don't. I don't think he's mad at you but I think he's mad at the people that did the stuff to you. I know that any guy that cared for me would do the same. What I would do is talk to him about him getting mad all the time upsets you. He should just listen and not be so mad all the time. He should be understanding of that since these are sensitive subjects.. 

I hope this helped, 


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