The Jock Wants Me But He Has A Reputation

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m an out going girl .m not popular neither m i not so. Ive had a few boyfriends and all of them bad this year i decided m not going to date but there is this jock who asked me out (2 times) each time i said no.this guy has an history of leaving a trail of broken hearts behind n i don't want to be one too....m i going to be something different or just another notch on his belt??pls tell me should i or should i not?



Dear dhivz, 

    What I think is that if he has a history of breaking hearts, it kind of makes you wonder... is he just going after me just to break my heart? Which I can see your kind of thinking about because your asking if you are going to be something different or not. In my opinion I probably wouldn't even stick around to see if he will break my heart. Sometimes it's because I've already been broken and if I know he has this reputation than why should I think it will be different with me. But honestly you never know. Some girls get lucky and that guy actually falls for you and doesn't break your heart but that doesn't mean that person won't hurt you because everyone hurts you at some time. 

I respect your decision to not date for the year, it's actually what I'm doing. I'm not dating til college. So I think you should just keep being Single. Or at least for now. You have to be absolutely sure that you are ready to date again. And I mean that's when your heart isn't so fragile to break but when it's strong enough to beat even after another break up. You can't go into a relationship broken because you will only end up more broken at the end. 

I hope this helps! 


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