Possibly just shy?

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Dear Alex,

   So there's this guys I like and I think he likes me... We don't talk to each other at all. He asks me stuff like what grade are you in. I think he likes me because him and his friends keep looking at me and I don't do anything. Sometimes I even catch him staring at me and I look at him while he's doing that and he just quickly looks away. During lunch period, I hang out with my friends and it just stare at him while he plays soccer, other days he just walks around with his friends around the area of the yard me and my friends are hanging out at. We aren't friends and I don't know if I mentioned this before but we don't talk, period.




Dear Unawareofmyintentions, 

Well, I think he wants to get to know you and wants to talk to you more but doesn't know how.. like I'm pretty sure he probably thinks your gorgeous or something if you guys barely talk and he looks at you a lot. It's either coincidence that hes near you a lot or he wants to be able to look at you more. I think you should talk to him since you guys don't and get to know him. He seems like one of those shy guys in my opinion cx 


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