Other girls put him down but I don't

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Dear Alex, 

Well I recently got back for a youth trip and I find myself needing help with boys I guess. Ok so here's my problem. So our trip was five days long because it took a day to get there and a day to get back. Well we had to drive two cars and the boys had to ride in one and the girls in the other. Most of the girls like this guy I like because he's cute, BUT they look down on him because he's smart like really smart he finished high school three years early. With that being said, because they look down on him for his smarts when he's around they'll make fun of him and say things that are inappropriate. Well yesterday on the way home from the trip we stopped to eat supper and he asked me "Why do you look down on me all the time?" The problem is I don't... I like him for who he is... But because I was around the other girls he didn't notice that I wasn't doing any of the things they was. So he thinks I'm just as bad as they are. 

What can I do to show him that I wasn't doing the things they was with messing up our friendship? I can't just stop talking to the girls because then I would have no one to talk to at all...

Signed, TwentyTwo


Dear TwentyTwo, 

Well hun, you should tell him that you don't firstly, compliment him for his smarts more often and tell him to not listen to any of the others and then I think you should stick up for him. If he's your friend and you like him then don't be shy to tell them to stop looking down on him for being smart because that's what a friend does. If you just let all the girls say something then he will keep thinking that you just look down on him like all the others, which you don't. That's the best way to get him to see that you aren't like they are and even if you get hate upon it, it's really worth it in the end. 

I hope this helps you, 


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