The girl who took my shirt

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Sorry Alex it is me again

 I just really need some advice, and because you are the best person to go to for advice I decided to e-mail you again. 

              My 'friend' is having some issues. She is the type of person that likes to take advantage of people. This usually means me. She tends to invite people places and then ask if they, or there parents, can drive us there. When we say that our parents cant drive us she will go ask someone else and when you ask about going she will say something like " Oh sorry, the car is full." Then there is the factor that she ALWAYS has to one-up you. If you say something she will have something that is better, like when you have a problem and you are asking a group of people what to do, she with have to say something better.

              She will also ask for money to buy food or something else, promising that she will pay you back and then never give you your money. Now i have put up with this for a while, only because she is on my team so i have to be some what social with her. But recently she has taken my shirt, claiming it to be hers. 

              I have collected facts on why the shirt is mine:

-When she buys clothes she tends to buy them wayyyyyy to small mine is a medium, i am pretty sure she does not have a medium in her whole closet.

-She has told many different stories on who got her this shirt, one was that her mom got it for her, another that her aunt sent it to her. But when my mom confronted her mom about it her mom covered for her and said that her friend got it for her.

-The shirt has many different varieties, mine is a blue and it has the restaurants old logo on it. I am pretty sure that they don't sell the type of shirt that i got anymore. 

-What are the chances that her moms friend got it for her RIGHT AFTER i lost mine that was the exact same one as hers

What should i do? #AskAlex



Dear madattheworld, 

Hey don't sweat it! If you got a problem, you can always ask me for advice (: No matter what. So, before I give any advice I would just like to say, who does this girl think she is? -_-' Okay now for the advice part. 

So from what I picked up is that she loves basically using people. Well the first thing is when she asks you to go somewhere, don't even think twice about turning her down. It's not right that she only invites people so that she can get a ride. Where's her ride? I understand if her parents asked her to get someone to take her but that shouldn't be the case all the time. I would actually try asking her why she never has a ride in the first place. Then with this lunch money thing, don't even think about giving her money because you already know she won't pay you back. With the t-shirt thing... the girl and her mom has problems. Do you really want that shirt back? Because if you do I would actually confront her and ask for it back woman to woman. No backing down. 

Actually I know it may not end well but if your brave enough I would just confront her about everything. I don't like people like this to be honest with you. It doesn't matter if your on the same team or not. Whatever happens off the court stays off the court, you know what I'm saying? You don't really have to tolerate this behavior. I wouldn't say threaten her about it but just be decent with it. Say something like:

"Hey I need to talk to you. This is about my shirt. Look I get that you like it and all but I need/want it back. I don't really like how you take something and never return it." 

And if she goes and attacks you then just be like "Look, I don't want any trouble. I just wanted my shirt back. You don't need to get all bitchy with me because I've had enough of it and you using people for your own benefit. You are not some charity case so stop acting like it." 

Yeah, kinda of insulting but you got to do what you got to do and put some people in their place if you know what I mean. lol 

I hope this helps!


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