How to know how he feels about you

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Dear Alex,

So, I moved here to the south a month or so ago, and I have neighbors. 

They have a son who is 18, and I've started developing feelings for him other than friendship. 

He seems like he likes me as more than a friend, but I just don't know. And I don't want to ask him, in case it ruins the great friendship we have now. 

Anyway, when we talk, we have real conversations. We laugh and joke around. 

But recently it's been seeming like he might see me as more than a friend. 

We were talking last night, and we got closer as we were speaking, to where all I had to do was put my foot out a fraction of an inch and we would be touching. And then his sister, also my best friend, came out and asked us if we wanted to go say hi to this other neighbor of ours, and I said I didn't want to. She asked Jake (the boy), and he said, "No. I'll stay here and talk to Miranda." 

Then, this morning I went out to take out the garbage and he was out there. He was whistling to himself so I said, "You seem jolly." and then we chatted a little bit. after, I turned and walked back to my gate, when I turned to close it, he was staring at me and then waved. so, basically, he was probably watching me walk away. 

When we talk, I feel like I'm not the only one who enjoys when we're together. 

But I just don't know how he feels. And as I said before, I don't want to ask. 

from randa_panda


Dear randa_panda, 

oooo *nudge nudge, wink wink* XD hehehe sorry so unprofessional of me Cx Well, what I do to get a guy to confess a little is I ask them questions like "What do you like in a girl?" "What don't you like in a girl?" "Do you like anyone right now?" "How would you describe me?" "If you were on a dating show and you had come down to three girls to choose from and I was one of them, who would you pick? The girl that's blah blah blah the other girl that's blah blah blah or me?" "What do you think separates me from other girls?" "How do you feel about me?" "If we were stuck on a deserted island and only had a day left to live.. what would be the last things you say to me?" etc etc.. usually one of these questions will let you know how he feels about you.. if he likes you more or not and stuff like that :3 You're not directly asking them..just basically swerving to get a better judgment on the other person's feelings :3 Try it, see how it goes :3

I hope this helps :3


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