Relationship titles

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Dear Alex,

So what's going on us there is this boy who recently told me he likes me, I didn't really like him until we started texting but now I really like him and he told me he really likes me two. He's not that cute but whatever looks aren't everything but he's really sweet. The only thing is I don't know if he actually likes me or if he's just playing me. I'm only 13 and I'm not aloud to date until 15 but he asked me out I told him that I was sorry and not aloud but after ALOT of getting to know each other and flirting we've decided to be in between friends and bf/gf but I don't know if should just call it friends keep it the way it is or make it more? Please help, socially confused 


Dear socially confused, 

Well I think that if this guy really likes you he will continue to be with you just the way you are until the right age. Hey love doesn't have an expiration date. And if he does have one for you then he's not worth it. But you have to have standards. Where you guys are is where you should be right now. In the inbetween state. You guys are friends yet your more than friends. It's what we like to call "talking to somebody". It's not that your guys are dating but you guys are getting to know each other on a different level above friends. If this makes any sense to you cx But if you aren't allowed to date til 15 then two years is nothing. Make sure you guys are good in the friendship level before proceeding. I know it's tough when you like someone and can't be called theirs but being official isn't everything. I have a cousin who has been with her boyfriend for only a couple months but they were friends before that.. and were in that "talking to somebody" phase for awhile. They weren't official but they were unofficially together. You can be with someone unofficially and still be happy til you guys are official. It's worth more if you wait it out and get through this phase. Because after this phase is the bf/gf phase.. and then you get older and then your off to the engaged phase and then married phase. Yeah, that's too far to look at things right now. That's why you have to take it slow. No one is rushing. And I hope he's not rushing himself either. And besides that, you're still young. Don't get too deep into love just yet. Keep your sanity while you can C:

I hope this helps you, 

Alex :)

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