Admitting to flirting, blushing around me

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Dear Alex,

Hey Alex! So, the guy I like told me that he doesn't like this girl named Liz anymore but he tells everyone else that he still likes her. But, he admitted to me that he was flirting with me and he also compliments me a lot. His friends even act all weird around us when we're together. They like nudge him, push him towards me, and tell me to do "things" to him but all he does is blush even if I don't do it. What does all of this mean? What do I do?

Love always, 

Please help me!


Dear (you didn't give me a name cx)

Anyway.. I'm so sorry for the late reply! D: But let me just tell you this guy probably likes you :3 I'm not really sure why he would say that he likes someone else when he told you that he didn't like that girl anymore.. guys can do the darnedest things :3 But if he admitted that he was flirting with you and complimenting you a lot then that just means.. he likes you. lol I mean you admit to that and you basically admit the whole thing. He seems shy when his friends are around so that's why he blushes and all that stuff. I would .. well to be honest for me.. I'd probably tease the guy in a kinda cute fashion.. that's if I like him back but if I don't then I would shy away I guess you can say.. like not be around him so much.. but lets say that I do like him more than a friend.. I'll tease him like touch his arm or joke around.. you know the usual stuff girls do to tell a guy like "hey, yeah I totally like you" XD Man I'm not much help am I? I'm kinda still girlying over the fact that he blushes when his friends do that to him.. guys blushing... can I say cute?! XD Okay, let me stop cx But yeah that's what I think it means.. if you want to ask him if he really likes you then just ask him.. and ask him about all that other stuff.. I think you guys should be comfortable to ask those kinds of questions too.. it's good to be open also... it's just not many people find it easy to do that.. I tend to just lay all my cards down o-o So whatever you decide to do.. I think it will give you good results ^.^

Alex <3

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