Still have butterflies

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Dear Alex, 

I had a crush on this guy for over 3 years now. After a year that we met, my friends told me he liked me back but we were too shy to admit it to each other and take it further. We've been best friends since. Now he's been going out with a girl who I really don't like. She's been after me since elementary school. It hurts to see them together and I try to get over him. They've been dating for a year and I've learned to keep my feelings buried. Recently, he found out that I still liked him and I even it confirmed it and he ignored it and pretended nothing happened. Summer's gone by and I thought I was finally over him until I heard him and his girlfriend broke up. I saw him but I was too scared to approach him but I can still feel those stupid butterflies in my stomach. My friend later told me that he texted them asking if I still like him. I have no idea what to do. I hate being his second choice and I really really want to get over him but I think I still kinda like him. What should I do?? Forget about him? 


Skinny Love 


Dear Skinny Love, 

Honestly I wouldn't ignore him and I wouldn't forget about him. If you have had feelings for this guy for so long.. I say take a lil chance on him. I don't think he could reciprocate his feelings for you since he had a girlfriend. And I also think that this girl knew that he still had feelings for you too possibly. I don't think you are a second choice either. I think that sometimes when you have the opportunity to be with someone, you should take it. If it works out then it works out and if it doesn't.. at least you tried, right? He didn't even know you had feelings until he was in a relationship didn't he? Or well he was too shy to admit that he liked you back? See it's kind of funny how things work out but hey, you don't have much time to just sit around on the what ifs. Make it a I did. 

I hope this helps you, 

Alex <3

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