Family problems

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Dear Alex, 

      So i found out recently that my godfather was the reason my facebook got hacked... he used to be a cop.. and he thought i was a problem kid or whatever but I'm not. I am seriously the MOST boring person on the face of the planet. I don't get into trouble, i don't fight, i don't do drugs. But he some how thinks i am in need of help.. so my question to you Alex is what am i supposed to do because i bitched him out about it and told him that it wasn't his damn problem to worry about me. I am not his kid, he should be looking at what his 16 year old daughter does when hes not around because she is his problem! but now my whole family wont talk to me because i spoke my opinion on the subject.. so help me?



   Dear K, 

      I think you did the right thing on telling how you feel about the predicament. I think it was very bold, not many people would do that. I do believe he should have not went into your privacy. As of your family, who wont speak to you, because of that? Well, have you tried talking to them about it? i feel like they may not know the whole story to why you lashed out the way you did. You should explain to them that, things like this needs to be settled between two people and not the whole family. Family gossip spreads like wildfire, I know, but family will always love you. I think your godfather was just worried about you and maybe you should talk to him again and tell him you didn't mean to disrespect him in any way, but you are a grown woman and you can do things yourself. Your parents can take care of you just fine. Don't put more fuel into the fire. Don't be nasty or mean, be nice and gentle on the subject. Talking things out is the only way to go in this problem unless you want to go to the road of no return which would be ignoring everyone and leaving it behind to not be resolved. I think it will blow over either way. Family, blood is thicker than water. You have to stick together no matter what. So I hope this was somewhat helpful for what you have to do. Just know that, whether you decide to ignore it altogether or to talk to everyone about it, be very patient and calm throughout the process. Show them that you aren't what they think of you to be. Stepping into someone else's privacy is a violation and your godfather should know that, he was a cop. (: 

    With concern, 


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