Annoying people that just won't go away.

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Dear Alex, 

So it turns out I have another problem now with my ex-best friend. Well we're not best friends now, not even friends. She is getting very annoying and wants me to be with her all the time. She has the emotional range of a teaspoon, like Ron, but worse.

One time, I did a presentation with two of my best friends in front of my form. When we finished, she came to me and said 'Are you okay? You look pale when you were having a presentation.' Dude! Can she please shut up? I was perfectly fine by then until she asked. Why does she think I'm not okay? She doesn't know me well but she acts like it.

Then after that encounter, she started personally stalking my Facebook and Wattpad accounts, like commenting '...' on every single post/picture or like-washing my wall.

I stopped talking to her and ignored her because all she does is complain about others, about how unfair people are. LIFE ISN'T FAIR! When is she going to get it into her thick head?

She keeps complaining to my best friend, who switched to another school, through Facebook and to me. My bestie's getting kinda annoyed too. I can tell.

How can I shut her up? Every time I tell her to 'stop stalking my life' she says she's not. So I told her  she just crossed my line. And she said she didn't. I draw my own line dude!

I want to get rid of this kid. What can I do?


The one and only weirdo


Dear the one and only weirdo, 

Wow... well ... just wow.. I don't really like people who are annoying like that especially when you said to her to leave you alone.. Well in a different sense that is. Which I should tell you that you should just be blunt about it. At this point she needs to realize that it's just too much for you to handle. Tell her that your really getting annoyed with thinking that she knows you, stop looking over every thing that you do and stop talking to you basically. If she doesn't hit the road after your bluntness, just try ignoring her. Usually that works out. They should get the hint at this point that you just don't want them around. Or if you really are fed up with it all, try reversing the rolls and do what she is doing to you and see if she likes it. 

It's not easy being blunt to people cuz they can get hurt but if you really don't care about hurting her then that's just what you have to do. But if you do then I would be blunt in the nicest way possible. This girl seems like a really bad cookie to crack and I really wish you the best of luck on this one :)


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