Guys are so confusing

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Dear Alex, 

Well,I got a long story here with problems... At first I always stayed 

away frm the boys and sm kind of relatnshp, as i thought they will 

ruin my grades..3 yr ago I changed my school, and there grls were 

quite bitches. They act like caring frndz, at first evrythng was gud 

bt then one of them spread a rumour that I'm dating a guy secretly 

(that boy happens to be her bf's big bro) so evry1 blvd her. 

I didnt gv any shit to her cuz i never talkd to that guy, whn this gt 

extreme i thought i might ask d boy, bt he kept avoiding me. So i askd 

his bro, nd he told me that that boy likes me.. 

Then we did a project together and get along very well and i started 

falling for him, as i thought he like me. 

A month later I found dat he's dating a girl ( moreovr a slut), nd dis 

brk me, his gf kept buggin me and insulting me indirectly, bt i had 

nthng to do except crying in my room. I stp talking to ny of them. 

It's been nw 2 nd a half yr, a yr or so ago he brkd up.. Bt i nvr 

talkd 2 hm, recently he sent me fr in fb, and i acceptd him, we 

started to talk, nd i still lyk him, bt he's quite actin lyk a 

bro(it's my opinion) ny boy who ask me for date, he kept saying dat 

they r nt good.. I'm really cnfusd. Is he still playing wid my mind? 

Is he dat much oblious that i lyk him?? I dnt knw wat i gonna do!evrybdy is saying dat d boy chose that slut becuz he's nly for smthng 

u knw wat! As i'm nt dat type of grl. Bt they say dat he really likes 


If dis is true then it's disgusting ri8?

Recently i unfrnd him bt he send me req again. If u see my fb profile, 

ther's nly 3 boyz, 1 my bro, othr my gud frnd nd him. So it's looking 

awkward. Bt I again as a dumbass accept it, i'm lyk a obsessd stupid 

grl, waiting for his msg all day in fb! 

I'm in deep shit! :'(

With love, 

The confused girl 


Dear the confused girl,

Wow guys are complicated right? Yet they say they are simple creatures. Mhmmm I'm sure you are >.>  

But anyways so I'm seeing a lot here but only is happening with one guy that so happens have dated a girl that happens to be a slut, yet he likes you? Hmm. Okay. What I'm wondering is, is why did that girlfriend of his insult you? I don't think she would do that for nothing. Girls can be pretty feisty when it comes to their boyfriends and especially if he has talked about her, mentioned her, looks at her, or heard something about her. Everything but hears something of you is a good thing. That means he may have had feelings for you when he was in the relationship with the girl. Concerning their relationship though. I feel like it wasn't serious and that yes, he probably only wanted a good time. Guys are still animals u have to remember that. They want one thing, even when they say they don't want it. I think with him being like a bro? Well that's just showing that he cares for you without it being direct. The thing with that is, that he can be really seeing you like a sibling or he actually likes you. So your thinking that he might be oblivious that you like him? Well are you showing him that you like him? Are you dropping strong hints? Guys are sometimes clueless, maybe just telling him will get that off your chest. If he likes you I don't think it's disgusting. I have known a lot of guys in my life. What I have figured out is yeah they are looking for their next booty call but they are also looking for wifey material. Maybe your just that for him, wifey material. Guys sometimes need quick fixes and that's probably all that other girl was, a quick fix. I wouldn't say it's a disgusting. He's a guy. That's what guys do. But to like someone or love him, all that really shouldn't matter. With him sending a friend request again and again I feel like he's determined even though he is not really getting the hint in a way that you might not want to talk to him even though you do. I think you should go ahead and talk to him, see where he is at on the playing Field. If he doesn't really like you than at least be friends. But if he does like you than roll with that. 

Sorry for replying a day later. I was so tired last night :/ But I hope this helps and if you have anymore questions, just send them in ^^


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